Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Egypt: Historical Outline

Giza, just a little
west of the Nile near Cairo.
Several authors. Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed. “Egypt.” Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.

Egypt. One feels a bit like a high school sophomore doing a book report from EB, but a data-base is developing.  A bibliography is growing. Given the continuing Marcionism of our time, one must do one's own homework. Notably, this deals with Exodus, but during a tour of Ezekiel this week, "Egypt" as a topic was at hand. Or, the Alexandrian period that laid the linguistic foundation for the transmission of the Gospel along with the Roman period. It brings up Daniel and the Ptolemaic reigns
as well. So, excuse the sophmorism. The EB at hand is 1985, so it does not include updates since then or the "Arab Spring," that is, the renaissance of Islamo-fundamentalism.

This is just east of the Giza Pyramids.
Has a lovely restaurant just east
of the Sphynx with an evening show
and with commentator-narrators, lights,

the whole nine yards. 
It's a dinner-show and well-done. 
Napoleon Bonaparte's troops took
target practice on the Sphynx.
The Pyramids pre-date Moses
and Joseph of Genesis.
An outline.

Physical and Human Geography

1. The land

A. Relief
B. Drainage and soils
C. Climate
D. Plant life
E. Settlement patterns

2. The People

A. Linguistic groups
B. Ethnic groups
C. Religious groups

3. The Economy

A. Resources
B. Agriculture and fishing
C. Industry
D. Finance
E. Trade
F. Administration of the economy
G. Transportation

4. Administrative and social positions

A. Government
B. Justice
C. Education
D. Health and welfare
E. Housing
F. Police services

5. Cultural life

A. The states of the arts
B. Cultural institutions


1. Introduction to Eygptian civilization

A. The nature of ancient Egyptian civilization
B. Sources and chronology
C. Egyptian archaeology

2. The Predynastic and Early Dynastic periods

A. The Predynastic period (to c. 3100 B.C.)
B. The Early Dynastic Period (c. 3100 – c. 2686 B.C.)

3. The Old Kingdom and the First Intermediate Period

A. The Old Kingdom (c. 2686 – 2160 B.C.)
B. The First Intermediate Period (c. 2160 – 2040 B.C.)

4. The Middle Kingdom and the Second Intermediate Period

A. The Middle Kingdom (2040- 1786 B.C.)
B. The Second Intermediate Period (1786 – 1567 B.C.)

5. The New Kingdom

A. The 18th Dynasty
B. The 19th and 20th Dynasties
C. Society and culture in the New Kingdom

6. Egypt from 1085 B.C. to the Macedonian Invasion

A. The Macedonian Conquest
B. The Ptolemaic Conquest
C. Government and civilization of Hellenistic Jews

7. Roman Egypt (30 B.C. – 642 A.D.)

A. Roman administration
B. The end of Roman rule

8. From the Islamic consquest to 1250 A.D.

A. Period of Arab and Turkish governors (639 – 868 A.D.)
B. The Tulunid dynasty (868 – 905 A.D.)
C. The Ikhshidid dynasty (935 – 969 A.D.)
D. The Fatimid dynasty (969 -1171 A.D.)
E. The Avyubid dynasty (1171 – 1250 A.D.)

9. The Mamiuk and Ottoman periods (1250 – 1800 A.D.)

A. The Mamluk dynasty (1215 – 1517 A.D.)
B. The Ottomans (1517 – 1798 A.D.)

10. From the French to the British Occupation (1798 – 1805 A.D.)

A. The French Occupation and its consequences (1798 – 1805 A.D.)
B. Mohammed Ali and his succdssors (1805 – 1882 A.D.)

11. The Period of British Domination (1882 – 1922 A.D.)

A. The British occupation and the Protectorate (1882 – 1922 A.D.)
B. The Kingdom of Egypt (1922 – 1952)

12. The revolution and the republic

A. The Nasser Regime
B. The Saddat Regime
C. The Muburak Regime

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