Thursday, August 15, 2013

A.G. Dickens, English Reformation, & Select Bibliography

Dickens, A.G. The English Reformation, 2nd Ed. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1989. Available at:

Three things here:  (1) A few notes of interest from Mr. Dickens for his current book, (2) other books on Reformation studies by Mr. Dickens, and (3) books by others that are recommended by Mr. Dickens (at the end). This will be a long post.

A few notes of interest from Mr. Dickens for his current book:

·        No apologies for another study on the Reformation since the “religious, cultural and social issues which it raised remain to this day profound and inexhaustible.”

·        “Changed the outlook of Englishmen”

·        Mr. Dickens will seek to explain “why things happened…1529-1559”

·        “…as it affected ordinary men and women…”

·        “In the England of Henry VIII a very different psychological climate arose…”

·        Mr. Dickens will “examine religion…popular and sophisticated…”

Other books by Mr. (Prof.) Dickens:

------Age of Humanism and Reformation: Europe in the 14th, 15th, and 16th Centuries.  Saddle River, NJ: Prentiss Hall,  1972. Available at:

------Contemporary Historians of the German Reformation.  London: Institute of Germanic Studies, 1978. Available at:

------East Riding of Yorkshire with Hull and York: A Portrait. Beverley, UK: Highgate Publications, 2002.  Available at:

-------Erasmus the Reformer. London: Methuen Publishers, 1994. Available at:

-------The German Nation and Martin Luther. London: Edward Arnolds Publishing, 1974.  Available at:

-------Lollards and Protestants in the Diocese of York, 1509-1558.    London: Hambledon Continuum; 2nd edition (November 1, 2003).  Reprint of the 1959 edition.  Available at:

------The Reformation in Historical Thought. No location: iUniverse, 1999. Available at:

------Reformation in England to the Accession. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 1967. Available at:

Books recommended by Mr. A.G. Dickens.

Aveling, H. Northern Catholics. London: Chapman Publishers, 1966.  It is listed on amazon but is not currently available.  

Bowker, Margaret. The Secular Clergy of the Diocese of Lincoln, 1495-1520.  Cambridge University Press, 2008. Available at:

Brooks, Peter. Thomas Cranmer’s Doctrine of the Eucharist.  New York: Seabury Press, 1965.  Mr. Dickens believes that Cranmer approximated the Consensus Tigurnus of 1549. Available at:

Cross, Claire. The Puritan Earl: The Life of Henry Hastings (1536-1595).  New York: Macmillan, 1966. Available at:

Loades, D.M. Two Tudor Conspiracies.  No location: Headstart History Publishers, 1992. Available at:

McConica, J.K. English Humanists and Renaissance Politics. We could not locate this.

Oxley, J.E. The Reformation in Essex. Manchester, UK: Manchester University, 1965.  Available at:

Thompson, J.A.F. The Latter Lollards. We could not locate, however, it is quite clear there is a wide body of scholarly literature available for study on this movement.


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