Saturday, July 13, 2013

Engaging with Keller - Reformation21 Blog

Engaging with Keller - Reformation21 Blog

Engaging with Keller

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Engaging with Keller.jpgReformation21 blogger Iain D. Campbell is one of the editors of and contributors to an imminent volume from Evangelical Press entitled Engaging with Keller: Thinking Through the Theology of an Influential Evangelical (the other editor is William M. Schweitzer). Ian Hamilton provides a sincere foreword.

The book, expressly and clearly written in a spirit both fraternal and irenic, and certainly no casual hatchet job, is an attempt to interact with Tim Keller on a variety of topics. As someone who has
had some questions about aspects of Keller's theology, I was intrigued to see this book raising some of those very issues. Contributors and their subjects are as follows:
  • Keller on 'Rebranding' the Doctrine of Sin (Iain D. Campbell)
  • 'Brimstone-Free Hell': a new way of saying the same old thing about judgment and hell? (William M. Schweitzer)
  • Losing the Dance: is the 'divine dance' a good explanation of the Trinity? (Kevin J. Bidwell)
  • The Church's Mission: sent to 'do justice' in the world? (Peter J. Naylor)
  • Timothy Keller's Hermeneutic: an example for the church to follow? (C. Richard H. Holst)
  • 'Not Quite' Theistic Evolution: does Keller bridge the gap between creation and evolution? (William M. Schweitzer)
  • Looking for Communion in All the Wrong Places: Keller and the doctrine of the church (D. G. Hart)

I am only a little way in to my review copy but I am appreciating the thoughtful tone and careful approach, which I hope will be sustained throughout. Although I think it may be a week or so yet before the volume is available in the UK (not sure about the US), interested parties can order this work from,, probably from the publisher, and doubtless other good suppliers in due course. I may be able to supply a more thorough overview before long.

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