Saturday, February 9, 2013

SGM-Mahaneygate: Online Petition/Appeal to National Leaders Re: Mahaney

An Appeal to National Leaders Regarding C.J. Mahaney of Sovereign Grace Ministries

To: National Evangelical Leaders

We, as current or former members of Sovereign Grace Ministries churches, or as concerned individuals, wish to make it known that we agree with Mr. Brent Detwiler’s concerns regarding C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Ministries as described in the letter titled "An Appeal to...

We, as current or former members of Sovereign Grace Ministries churches, or as concerned individuals, wish to make it known that we agree with Mr. Brent Detwiler’s concerns regarding C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Ministries as described in the letter titled "An Appeal to National Leaders Regarding C.J. Mahaney", which can be read in entirety at We respectfully request that the recipients of the letter, the national evangelical leaders listed below, seriously consider the claims contained in the letter and take appropriate action, as requested in the letter.

Recipients of Letter:

Danny Akin
Thabitti Anyabwile
Voddie Baucham
Alistair Begg
John F. Bettler
Jon Bloom
Ian Booth
Jerry Bridges
Mike Bullmore
Robert C. Cannada Jr.
Don Carson
Matt Chandler
Tim Challies
Bryan Chapell
Lane Dennis
Mark Dever
Kevin DeYoung
Mark Driscoll
Iain M. Duguid
Ligon Duncan
Sinclair Ferguson
John F. Frame
Richard B. Gaffin
Mark Galli
W. Robert Godfrey
Wayne Grudem
Michael A. G. Haykin
Dennis Hollinger
Michael S. Horton
Robert Jones
Douglas F. Kelly
Simon J. Kistemaker
Ted Kober
Andreas Johannes Kostenberger
Tim Keller
Edgar Keinath
Timothy S. Lane
John MacArthur
Michael Milton
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Russell D. Moore
Stephen Nichols
Moss Nplha
Marvin Olasky
Ray Ortlund, Jr.
Burk Parsons
Paige Patterson
Richard Phillips
John Piper
David Platt
David Powlison
Vern S. Poythress
Guy Richardson
Phil Ryken
Ken Sande
Pete Schemm
Thomas R. Schreiner
Alan Schuster
Scotty Smith
Winston T. Smith
R.C. Sproul
Ed Stetzer
Sam Storms
Justin Taylor
Tullian Tchivdjian
Bryce Thomas
Derek W. H. Thomas
Paul David Tripp
Carl L. Trueman
Gene Edward Veith, Jr.
Donald S. Whitney
Bruce A. Ware
David Wells
Stephen J. Wellum
Edward T. Welsh
Luder G. Whitlock
John D. Woodbridge
Petition-xDonald Philip Veitch
If100 of usget10friends to sign, we'll reach our goal of 1,000.
32 people signed the petition
On February 6, 2013, Mr. Brent Detwiler sent a letter to 77 national evangelical leaders expressing his concerns regarding CJ Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Ministries. The letter, titled "An Appeal to National Leaders Regarding C.J. Mahaney", can be read in entirety at The names of the leaders to whom the letter is addressed are listed in the body of the petition. Mr. Detwiler is not the originator of this petition, nor did he request it. The purpose of the petition is to give a voice to the many current or former members of Sovereign Grace Ministries churches and other concerned individuals whose grave concerns for C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Ministries have been largely ignored by evangelical leaders.

Please sign this petition and share it with your friends and family via Facebook, Twitter, or email. Our goal is to collect at least 1,000 signatures and then send the results to the leaders on the list. Thank you for helping to get the word out!

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