Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dyson Hague: "Wycliffe: An Historical Study"

Hague, Dyson. Wycliffe: An Historical Study. Toronto: Church Record S.S. Publications, 1924.

It can be accessed and saved as a pdf.file.

Dyson Hague, MA, was the Rector of Memorial Church, London, ONT and Canon of St. Paul’s Cathedral Church, London, ONT.

Here is St. Paul's Cathedral, London, ONT, about 60 miles from the Veitch farm (Great Grandparents, Aliston, ONT...Canadian Anglicans also).  About 120 miles from where your's truly was born.

This little handbook by Dyson Hague is a wonderful little work on Wycliffe.  Clear, succinct, well-researched. 

Wycliffe was and is a man whose thought blows with new freshness on the themes of our time, e.g. the book of Romans for starters...a magisterial Epistle for those for whom, among whom and to whom St. Paul's theology still matters. A necessary epistle for mastery for the young (and the older by way of reminder since they should have already mastered it) Churchmen.

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