Sunday, November 11, 2012

Canterbury Watch: Roundup of Reactions

Archbishop of Canterbury: even more reactions

More reactions since our article on Friday.
News items
Observer Peter Stanford New archbishop started his journey to Lambeth Palace at a radical church

Telegraph Charles Moore Justin Welby is the Alpha male to save the Church of England
Cole Moreton Archbishop of Canterbury: ‘You have no future in the Church’
BBC John McManus Justin Welby: Those who bet on me should donate winnings
Welby calls for winnings to be donated to church 
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby: World reaction
Huffington Post Jaweed Kaleem Justin Welby, New Archbishop Of Canterbury, Watched By Pro-Gay Rights Episcopalians As Church Tensions Continue 
The Diocese of Durham has published a video of Bishop Justin’s Message To The Diocese.
Living Church John Martin +Welby’s Self-effacing Debut

Episcopal News Service Matthew Davies Hopes and gratitude for incoming, outgoing archbishops of Canterbury

Independent Joan Smith Our zombie church has a new leader. So what?

AllAfrica Nigeria: Who Will Close the Gulf Between Nigerian, UK Anglican Churches?

Mail Online George Arbuthnott and Adam Luck Revealed: Archbishop blindfolded by rebels with Kalashnikovs on jungle mercy mission
The Dean of Durham has written An Open Letter to the next Archbishop of Canterbury.

Leonard Clark has written Shall we stay or fall away?

Alan Wilson And a (Blindfolded) Child shall lead them?

Krishnan Guru-Murthy An untroublesome priest?

(+)+Welby - post-Protestant evangelical?

Colin Coward of Changing Attitude Justin Welby – is he good news for LGB&T Anglicans?

Andy Walton at Fulcrum Beginning Well: A Reflection on Justin Welby’s first press conference at Lambeth Palace
Reactions to the appointment
Statements on 105th Archbishop of Canterbury from across the Anglican Communion

Church of England Evangelical Council

Church of Uganda

Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans

Anglican Church in North America
Some earlier items
Living Church Justin Welby: A TLC Interview

Justin Welby speaking to the American House of Bishops

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