Tuesday, November 6, 2012

(British Evangelical Journal): Examination of Piper's "Christian Hedonism"

H/t to Joe Coke for the leads here...two URLs.  Stunningly precise and much-needed criticisms of the high and revered celebrity figure in the American Baptyerian world of Mark Dever, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Ligon Duncan, Al Mohler, Ligonier Ministires, Sproul and others.  His name is John Piper, a reworked revivalist.  The man, on our view, is undisciplined in Reformation Confessions, Prayer Book Churchmanship, or the sobrieties and gravities of Anglican and Reformed piety.  Just too dry for an emotionalist and revivalist like John.  By his standards, he'd piously judge us as "dead in our orthodoxy and sins."  It's such pious Corinthianism and Pharisaicism.  Sorry, John, learn some humility, son. Put this on my tombstone:  "A Reformed, Confessional Anglican, quiet, devout, and believing but not an enthusiast!"

This article gets at the real issues well.



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