Friday, November 9, 2012

American-Anglican Watch: (Anglican Ink) Loyalist group issues new invitation to South Carolina clergy

Loyalist group issues new invitation to South Carolina clergy | Anglican Ink

Loyalist group issues new invitation to South Carolina clergy

Diocesan seal and name appropriated a second time
A “loyalist” faction within the Diocese of South Carolina has sent out a second invitation to the clergy of the diocese inviting them to a clergy conference headlined by the former Bishop of East Tennessee, Charles vonRosenberg.

On 9 Nov 2012 an email invited all active and retired South Carolina to a “diocesan clergy day”.
Like the first email sent on 7 Nov the second email claimed to be from the “Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina” and used the seal of the diocese. However, the location had been moved from the Church of the Holy Communion to St Mark’s Church in Charleston.

Sources within the diocese tell Anglican Ink they are perturbed by the continued unlawful use of the diocese’s name and seal to call the clergy to a conference two days before the South Carolina special convention.

Bishop vonRosenberg told AI that it was within his rights to preach in the diocese as he had once held a license from Bishop Lawrence to officiate. It is not known, however, if the license had been renewed.

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