Thursday, September 13, 2012

Traditional Values Coalition: Statement Re: Assassination of Libyan Ambassador

Statement Regarding Assassination of Libyan Ambassador
Washington D.C. (September 12, 2011) -- Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) president Andrea Lafferty issued the following statement in the wake of the assassination of Libya Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi, Libya and the raid on the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt:

"The Obama Administration is talking out of both sides of their mouth. They say we shouldn't denigrate other faiths, but Christ is denigrated routinely in America and Obama hasn't said a word about it. Yet Obama only gets upset when it happens to Muslims. Christians don't riot -- Muslims do. These Islamists are behaving like uncivilized animals, and it just keeps happening. Yet the POTUS and the administration are bending over backwards to placate these people.

"In the United States, plays are routinely performed that mock Christ. The Obama administration has imposed a grave violation of the rights of conscience through the HHS Mandate. Just recently, Family Research Council and Traditional Values Coalition were the targets of anti-Christian violence. A cross put into a jar of urine is considered art.

"Both President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seem keen to equate the video with the violence that claimed one of our ambassadors, with Clinton saying she "deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others" and restated a commitment to religious tolerance... and not to religious freedom and religious liberty enshrined in our Bill of Rights.

"But you look cross-eyed at a Muslim, and that's hate speech that inspires violence? This deserves the protection of the state? Or invented rights of religious toleration rather than the religious freedoms in our Bill of Rights?

"An attack on an American Embassy is an attack on American soil, an act once considered to be an act of war. Three State Department staff members and an American ambassador are dead -- dragged through the streets of Benghazi just as Muammar Qaddafi was months ago. The U.S. Embassy in Cairo is under siege. All because of one video.

"The statement by the US Embassy in Cairo was consistent with President Obama's rhetoric during his many apology tours. Once again, the Obama administration plays the apologist for Islam. Once again, lives are sacrificed for the feelings of Islamists -- and on September 11th of all days."

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