Tuesday, August 14, 2012

SGM-Mahaneygate: 2nd Church Pulls Out of SGM

Brent Detwiler is reporting a second secession--of another congregation from the SGM.  It's called Grace Community in Sarasota, FL. There is reason to believe that others will follow suit.  There are reports that most of the FL congregations may follow suit. There are reasons to believe that many have left Crossway, Charlotte, NC, headed by a strenuous defender of C.J. "It's All about Me" Mahaney.  Also, it appears that two of SGM's largest outfits, Covenant Life (CLC) and Fairfax SGM, have and are withholding their large "tithes" to the parachurch/episcopal parent body...SGM, the overseeing outfit headed by Mahaney. 


Here is Brent's post:

"Grace Community Church in Sarasota-Bradenton, Florida is the second church to leave Sovereign Grace Ministries. They have been removed from the SGM website and are referring to themselves as non-denominational. The impending break up of SGM could have been avoided if C.J. had just come clean. Good decision Luan." 

Here is Luan's sermon on church government on 5 Aug 2012 at:

The first church to secede was Redeemer, Charlottesville, VA.  See:

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