Thursday, May 10, 2012

Useful Email Addresses for Roman Leaders

We have listed some useful email addresses for some Roman leaders.   It is filed under useful email addresses.

Dear Sirs:

          I have sent an open letter to ABP Malooly of Delaware. However, I do not have Cardinal Dolan's address. I hope someone will forward this to him. The same petition put to ABP Malooly is more widely disseminated.


Donald Philip Veitch

From: D. Philip Veitch <>
To: ""
Cc: Philip Veitch
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 12:35 PM
Subject: Open Letter to VP Biden's ABP Malooly: Call for Church Discipline

Dear Ms. Bossi-Smedley:

Will you please forward this to the Archbishop?

Thank you very much.


Donald Philip Veitch

Donald Philip Veitch

125 Kemberly Court

Jacksonville, North Carolina 28540      910-265-8939

10 May 2012

Most Reverend W. Francis Malooly, D.D.

c/o Patricia Bossi-Smedley, Administrative Assistant

1925 Delaware Avenue

Wilmington, DE 19889


Dear Archbishop Malooly:
          I write as a well educated Anglican Churchman. I’ve done my time in the books and graduate schools. I am retired and read for a living.
          While we have profound and unbridgeable doctrinal differences, we share immoveable commitments in the area of conception, life, abortion, marriage, and human sexuality. In vivid contrast to these shared views between us, I have in mind the beliefs, actions and public words of Mr. Joseph Biden, the Vice President of the United States of America.
          Sir, if Mr. Biden belonged to my congregation over which I presided, he would be placed under “church discipline”and would be refused access to the holy sacrament of the Eucharist or, as Reformed Anglicans prefer to say, the “Order for Holy Communion.”

          I realize the liberal Episcopal Church, as are other mainliners, are afoul, defanged, and retrograde on important issues.

          When we will Roman Catholic Archbishops and Bishops exercise disciplinary influences on persons under their cognizance, such as Mr. Biden? Or, Ms. Pelosi?

          Aside from Roman Catholic churches, I suggest the same for all Confessional and Creedal churches: church discipline for these leaders who mislead, fail and, by turns, subvert the next generation by silence, inconsistency, and relativism.
          This applies to two issues: (1) abortion and (2) homoerotic marriages.

          The time has come to take stands, as did St. Ambrose of Milan with Theodosius 1 and the genocidal and unjustifiable homocides at Thessalonica, Greece? Sir, as theologians, we know of Ambrose’s

          Will you, Sir, be a modern Ambrose?
          It is time for Creedal Churchmen to take a stand.
          The next generation needs to hear not silence, but appropriate words.


Donald Philip Veitch

Donald Philip Veitch

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