Collin Hansen, a journalist, and his recent work, Young, Restless and Reformed. It's an effort to understand a growing phenomenon amongst Anabaptists adopting a predestinarian theology. |
Collin Hansen|7:06
How to Win the Public
on Homosexuality
there's another reason much of the country has shrugged off no-news headlines
about the culmination of President Obama's "evolution": 50 percent of Americans now agree with him.
In the last 16 years, support for same-sex marriage has nearly doubled. Gallup
shows an increase in support from just 27 percent in 1996 to a high of 53
percent in 2011 and now 50 percent in 2012. Since 1996, Christians have debated
homosexuality almost non-stop, and several Protestant denominations have
reached the same conclusion as Obama. He told ABC's Robin Roberts today:
the end the values that I care most deeply about, and [Michelle Obama] cares
most deeply about, is how we treat other people and, you know, I, you know, we
are both practicing Christians, and obviously this position may be considered
to put us at odds with the views of others but, you know, when we think about
our faith, the thing at root that we think about is, not only Christ
sacrificing himself on our behalf, but it's also the Golden Rule, you know,
treat others the way you would want to be treated."
could recognize a number of causes to explain this revolution in religion,
politics, and culture. As Vice President Joe Biden said on Sunday,
television shows such as Will & Grace, Modern Family, and Ellen
have normalized same-sex relationships. Nearly everyone knows and loves someone
who lives openly as a homosexual or fights same-sex attraction. And a powerful
gay-rights lobby has gained leverage over the
Democratic Party through fundraising. Christians defending biblical teaching
rarely match the passion and political will of homosexuals who see same-sex
marriage as today's great civil rights struggle and key to validating their very
identity. They might be 0 for 32 since 1998 when the people vote on same-sex
marriage, but gay-rights activists believe time will inevitably reveal the
justice of their cause and the bigotry of their opponents.
contributing factors tempt Christians to heap all the blame on crafty,
malicious "others" for redefining the divine institution of marriage.
But political strategy and tactics alone don't explain such a pronounced shift
in public sentiment, especially among younger generations of Americans. Indeed,
regaining the ground Christians have lost on homosexuality will require
widespread repentance, painful self-examination, and new resolve to pursue
self-denying holiness. Most of all, we need the life-giving power that comes
from Jesus alone.
Our Culture's
marriage doesn't radically depart from modern morality; it makes perfect sense
according to contemporary mores. Blogger Rod Dreher writes:
reason gay marriage is so widely accepted by young Americans is not because the
media have propagandized them (though it is certainly the case that the media
have played a significant role in normalizing it), but because same-sex
marriage follows naturally from what young Americans already believe
about sex, intimacy, love, liberty, and the nature of the human person.
sports world recently illustrated Dreher's point. Last week ESPN's Rick Reilly,
one of the most influential sports columnists in America, joined the fray over Nebraska assistant
football coach Ron Brown's statements critical of homosexuality.
Reilly profiled "Ron Brown's top recruit," a 24-year-old man named
Brett Major who decided he wanted to be a Christian after hearing Brown speak
13 years ago. Then 11 years old, Major remembers thinking, "Wow. He's
cool and he's Nebraska football and he believes in God. And that's all it
took for me."
describes Major as the guy next door who loves football and family, as
illustrated by the friendly photos accompanying his column. He's a responsible
citizen and gifted student working on a master's degree in psychology at Wake
Forest. He remains dedicated to the church. And he's gay.
know God doesn't make a mistake," Major told Reilly. "He didn't put
me on this earth to be banished to hell. . . . I don't have to report to Ron
Brown at the pearly gates."
no further for our culture's confessional statement in three points:
1. God made me this way.
2. He wouldn't deny my
natural desires.
3. And I don't have to
explain myself to you or anyone else.
won't understand the challenge facing Christians regarding homosexuality until
you see how these three points permeate our culture. On the surface, we appear
to be locked in a battle of rights we can't win. Christians declare our right
to speak out and legislate according to religious conviction in defense of
traditional institutions. Gays pursue their right to life, liberty, happiness
with regard to their sexuality. But homosexuality fronts a much bigger
challenge that threatens us all.
Vain Pursuit
columnist Ross Douthat argues in his recent book Bad Religion,
"Ultimately, the Christian sexual ethic asks more of people with
same-sex attraction than it does of straights---a far greater self-denial, a
more heroic chastity." Whether you've struggled with same-sex attraction
yourself or counseled anyone with these inclinations, you know the agony
Douthat describes. Problem is, gays don't see us as agonizing over our
acceptable sins. The pursuit of self-fulfillment covers a multitude of
adultery, divorce, and pornography in our churches. Why shouldn't it also cover
the case of "Reggie," described by the team of sociologists led by
Christian Smith who researched and wrote Lost in Transition: The Dark Side of
Emerging Adulthood. Reggie lives at home with his mom while
studying business administration at a nearby state university. He works
part-time as a youth leader in the church of his own youth. And he spends his
free time seducing women. Following hundreds of interviews, the sociologists
regard him as typical for his generation except in one way: Reggie believes the
Bible teaches sex outside marriage is wrong. He just doesn't think it makes any
difference, because we can't control our urges. In the stories of Reggie and
many others, we see echoes of Major: God gave me these urges, so he won't deny
my enjoyment of them, and you can't tell me they're wrong.
so easy for us to look up Romans 1 and observe the obvious gap between biblical
teaching and homosexuality. We think if they only recognized biblical
authority, the gap would shrink and possibly even disappear. But rebellion
against biblical authority may not sufficiently explain the problem in our day.
Observe what Brett Major's parents wrote to the administrators at the University
of Nebraska.
can be raised in the "perfect" family environment with parents active
and nurturing, raised in the church to become lovers of the scripture. They are
Christians---Brett is such an example.
fighting today over authority, yes, but it's not straightforwardly biblical.
Many gay-rights advocates have excused themselves behind a professed love of
God's Word. You won't likely win a debate with them by citing Bible verses
they've been trained to explain away. Rather, we're losing a more fundamental
struggle over the very definition of God. Straight or gay, Reggie or Brett,
we're not satisfied with a God who calls us sinners. Who calls on us to deny
ourselves. Who calls our gaze heavenward to receive his blessing: "For sin
will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under
grace" (Romans 5:14).
1 reveals the horrifying outcome of this idolatry, when we deny God his divine
right as Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, and Judge. God can do nothing worse to
sinners than grant their desires. So Christians do not so much fear the hostile
imposition of gay marriage as its so-called flourishing. In this world God
created, such idolatry produces neither life, nor liberty, nor happiness (2
Peter 2:19). It will only spread the regret and frustration
"Reggie" and his generation of sexually liberated young adults
confessed to Smith and his fellow researchers. So why hasn't freedom resulted
in happiness?
said, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his
cross and follow me" (Matthew 16:24; see also Mark
8:34, Luke 9:23). These hard words point us toward
the only source of abundant life: "For whoever would save his life will
lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it" (Matthew
16:24; see also Mark 8:35, Luke
9:24). For presidents and paupers, gays and straights, there is no
other way to true happiness than the one Jesus traveled, the way that ended in
the agony of the Cross and the ecstasy of the Resurrection.
deny ourselves is to welcome the God who delights in giving every good and
perfect gift (James 1:17), especially freedom from the vain
pursuit of self-fulfillment.
Collin Hansen serves as editorial director for The Gospel Coalition.
He is the co-author of A God-Sized Vision: Revival Stories That
Stretch and Stir. You can follow
him on Twitter.
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