Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Southern Anabaptist Ed Stetzer: A Weekly Podcast

For researchers, we bring the following advisorial. Ed Stetzer is reporting that he'll podcast weekly.  See the report at:  RA must and will, LORD willing, investigate these issues, for the sake of the holy, catholic, apostolic, Protestant, Reformed, Confessional, Creedal and liturgical churches of Christ.  Assumptions and conclusions must always be weighed in light of the Bible, church history, and especially church history in America.  Preliminarily, Southern Anabaptists don't ring good bells here.  RA lives in eastern North Carolina where Southern Anabaptists have "ruled the school" and that really shows, problematically.  We reported, quite oddly, that the ACNA is featuring Ed.  We observed this about Ed and the ACNA:

Somewhat odd, a man without the least hint or trace of Reformational, catechetical or liturgical thought or background. But, then, does the ACNA have these orientations? We don't think so. Bob Duncan is a leading protagonist against the forces for a Protestant, Reformed, Confessional, Creedal and liturgical recovery of the Anglican heritage. 


We'll work at charity, but insist on accuracy and integrity.  We clearly need inter-disciplinarians to assess the issues. Here's Ed's posted promotional.

Stetzer’s ‘Exchange’ Webcast Now Weekly

The Exchange, a free webcast for pastors and church leaders hosted by Ed Stetzer, now airs weekly.

“A weekly program will provide our audience with more information,” said Stetzer, vice president of research and ministry development at LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention and author of numerous books on a range of topics relating to church and culture.

The Exchange now airs every Tuesday at 3 p.m. (EST) at

The Exchange, begun two years ago, has broadcast monthly to viewers in all 50 states and more than 24 countries. Topics have included discipleship, worship, Bible translations, church planting, church revitalization and multi-ethnic ministry.

Stetzer hopes a weekly webcast will broaden the audience and the content, including interviews of guests from around the world and audience questions via Twitter and chat.

In launching The Exchange, Stetzer said, “My thought was to put together some topic-driven online conversations that could help pastors. So if someone asks, ‘How do I help lead my church through revitalization?’ we can say, ‘We’ve archived a 30-minute resource on that.’”

“I hope we can help pastors and church leaders be more effective in their mission and ministry endeavors, to grow in leadership and also to think through issues from a theological perspective,” Stetzer said. “At the end of the day it is our desire that leaders and churches would be more faithful and effective at what they do so that the name and fame of Jesus would be more widely known.”

For more information about The Exchange with Ed Stetzer, visit or

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