Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Black, Racistic Non-Reverend, Irreverend, Tub-Thumping Jeremiah Wright: Obama's Stupid Pastor of Choice for 20 Years

A premier African-American, racistic, hate-mongering, hustling, fast-talking, opportunistic, and tub-thumping racist and "backwoods Hillbilly" (the black version) of the first order magnitude, the ever-Irreverend Jeremiah Wright, Obama's Pastor of choice for 20 years.  Jeremiah is the black equivalent of the KKK.  This wildcat's buddy is Louis Farrakhan, another racist. Obama chose this racist.  What does that tell anyone?  Importantly, we revere thoughtful, intelligent, educated, deliberative and scholarly African Churchmen, e.g. the Archbishops of Nigeria, Rwanda, and Kenya.

More bigotry, hate, anger, ignorance, non-Confessionalism, non-Biblicality, non-catholicity, enthusiasm, non-liturgy, ignorance, hucksterism, divisiveness, racistic and despicable speech from Obama's former minister of choice for 20 plus years, the ever-Irreverend and ever-unBiblical Jeremiah Wright.

Thank God for our careful, kind, deliberative, scholarly and educated brethren, African Anglicans, for their mature and careful reflections...unlike these African Anabaptist enthusiasts. Who cannot love these black brothers and sisters in Africa?  We love em.'  However, who, pray tell, can love race-hucksters like Wright, a hater of the first order.

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