Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thirty-nine Articles by Bp. John Rodgers

Bishop John Rodgers New Book Now Available!

Bp. John Rodgers is well known to Trinity as the Dean/President Emeritus, long time Professor of Systematic Theology, and encourager to all. Now, Bp. John is known for one more role – author! After many years of work, Bp. John has completed a comprehensive book on the 39 Articles. This book, ESSENTIAL TRUTHS FOR CHRISTIANS: A Commentary on the Anglican Thirty-Nine Articles and an Introduction to Systematic Theology, is now available.

Published by the Classical Anglican Press, Essential Truthscan be purchased from the Trinity Bookstore at 1-800-874-8754 or Cost is $24.95 paperback and or $49.95 hardcover.

With a focus on solid theological teaching, practical application, and spiritual formation, Essential Truths is written for clergy, for ministry students, and for lay leaders. Essential Truths shows how the Anglican Reformers "got it right" on the central matters of the Christian Faith, and that these teachings are both biblical and relevant for today. This book is designed as an easy-to-find reference on the Articles and as an introduction to the basic themes of systematic theology. The foreword is written by J. I. Packer.

Bp. Rodgers will be doing a book signing at Trinity on Wednesday, April 13, after chapel.

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