Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lesbians Go Ballistic About Refusal at Communion by Roman Priest


Catholic Priest Denies Communion to Unrepentant Lesbian, Rage Ensues

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 • 1:13 pm

What a painful but faithful decision this priest made, denying communion to an unrepentant lesbian at her mother’s funeral. He may have saved her life (1 Cor 11:27-32) and I pray God uses his witness to save her soul. Various revisionist activists are, of course, enraged. Here’s the story:
Several left-wing blogs decided to attack a Catholic priest yesterday because it seems that he may have denied holy communion to an openly ‘active’ lesbian during her mother’s funeral Mass on Saturday. The priest is called Father Marcel Guarnizo, and I am sure he could do with some prayers now that so many of the Church’s internal and external enemies have decided to launch this assault against him.
Father Guarnizo is being vilified in a most virulent and unjust way on the comment threads at seemingly anti-Catholic sites such as The New Civil Rights Movement, Huffington Post, and Addicting Info (where the story originated).

Although the facts concerning what happened at this Requiem Mass last Saturday remain sketchy, and all we have to go on is what we’ve been told by Ann Werner in her apparently biased blog post at Addicting Info, it seems that the baying wolves amongst modernist Catholics and left-wing secularists have already pronounced Guarnizo guilty of some heinous crime.

1 comment:

  1. I am a Catholic who sometimes reads your blog. Thank you for your supportive words about Father Guarnizo. I know him to be a fine priest.
