Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday after the Fourth Sunday in Advent, Christmas Eve


Morning - Ps. 50, Lk. 1:67-80
Evening - Ps. 85, Zech. 2:10, Mt. 1:18


It does not surprise us to see Christ reigning in eternal peace over an adoring throng of men and angels, as we see Him in the final chapters of the book of Revelation. But tonight we turn to something entirely unexpected. Tonight we see Him as a helpless, human infant, completely dependent on people for His every need. We cannot imagine the sacrifice this was for God. If we think of ourselves stripped of everything dear to us, and of every comfort we now take for granted, homeless, hungry, cold, and sick, we have not even come close to understanding what Christ gave up to come to earth. Yet, there He is. The virgin conceived and brought forth a Son and called His name Jesus, Saviour, and this tiny child is nothing less than God with us. Among all the gifts and trimmings of Christmas, let us also be glad with the yearly remembrance of the birth of God's own Son, and let us joyfully receive Him for our Redeemer.

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