Friday, December 23, 2011

Rwanda Anglicans Greet and Meet with AMiA Anglicans in Raleigh, NC, mid-Jan 2012

Christmas Greeting from the Province of Rwanda

December 23 rd , 2011

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Grace and peace to all of you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As this season of Advent leads us to the celebration of our Lord's birth, we are thankful for many things. Truly, He is with us, in fulfillment of the ancient promises and His own.

The House of Bishops of the PEAR have just concluded a very important meeting this week in Rwanda and Archbishop Rwaje has asked us to forward a letter from him to you. We rejoice in the election of new Rwandan bishops as the HoB continues to move forward in unity and love. We are also grateful to Archbishop Duncan of the ACNA for his leadership and support for us, congregations and clergy, who find ourselves in this difficult season of grief, uncertainty and confusion over recent events in our life together. As you will read in his letter, Archbishop Rwaje is in communication with Archbishop Duncan as a fellow GAFCON primate and friend.

Next week, you will begin to receive information about a gathering that will take place in Raleigh, NC from January 16-18. (also referred to in the Archbishop's letter) The purpose of this assembly is to hear from our Archbishop and others about reconciliation, healing and next steps for all of us.

Clergy and laity will be invited and will have opportunities to prayerfully discuss what it means to move forward together.

Please keep this event in prayer as planning for it develops.
Just as the angels broke through the dark silence of the night sky with the radiance of God's glory and the thrill of praise to Him, may we all know His magnificent breakthrough in our hearts and lives this Christmas. And may Jesus' peace and hope rule in you now and always.

Faithfully in Christ,
+Thad and +Terrell

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