Sunday, November 6, 2011

Vets Day 2011: Lest We Forget: A Salute to Fallen Veterans, Fellow Killers, Fellow Life-Takers, Fellow-Warriors and Fellow Veterans

Sharon and I will be buried amongst the brave heroes at Camp Lejeune, NC.  An honour to be amongst the brave, the courageous and the honourable. These men "went in" with names on the cammie blouses/shirts and had/have names on the tombstones.  Every week here, the names rise in the local papers.  Honoured to be buried amongst them, we are honoured to "live amongst" the 1000s of Marines here, the dead, the retired, the active duty, and those reservists who pass through here.  As I write, the helicopters fly over the house (New River USMC Air Station, CLNC), the "sounds of freedom."  Semper Fi to those living and reading.  "We" have a history and tradition to honour, preserve and extend.  I also pay tribute to my Father on Vets Day.

For the Canadians:

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