Sunday, November 27, 2011

SGM-Mahaneygate: SGM Refuge Weighs in on "Old Mickey" Boy, the Charlotte, NC, Scholar

A tribute to a veritable scholar with a high school education, "Ole Mickey Boy,"  another SGM enthusiast.  We offer our thoughts of lawful contempt for "Old Mickey Boy" at  We grandly dislike clerics without strenuous interdisciplinarian backgrounds and without, like old Mickey boy, an ounce of graduate level inquiries.  SGM Refuge offers this brief analysis.

Mickey’s Grave Error

Jim on November 26th, 2011
I really do my best to avoid judging motives regarding some leaders in SGM. Knowing what I know, it’s a ongoing struggle.

In this case, the error is far too obvious to overlook. Mickey has crossed an inexcusable line by intentionally mishandling God’s Holy Scripture. His only real authority comes from God’s Word when he is accurately preaching God’s Word. He has lost all authority by his deliberate deception in mishandling God’s Word.

Mickey has disqualified himself as an elder in The Body of Christ, and those who continue to regard him as such do so at their own peril. You will find no legitimate leader outside of Sovereign Grace Ministries who will defend his actions, and those leaders within SGM who have defended his actions should repent immediately.

Brent has done a good job of exposing Mickey’s blatant Scripture twisting and dishonest use of commentaries. Please access Brent’s analysis at the link below. Read it and weep.

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