Thursday, November 3, 2011

SGM-Mahaneygate: Petition Drive for Adjudication Process for Brent Detwiler

Although the Veitchs are not and never will be SGM, this fellow has read the Detwiler documents six times and is about to read them a seventh time (see: . Being retired, I can do that.  However, as a family, we have been discussing this case often.  What started out as a routine academic inquiry into "The Young, Reformed and Restless" (cf. Collen Hansen's modest introduction to it), has burgeoned into a close inquiry. SGM fears and has denied an open, digitally recorded, reviewable, transparent and honest adjudicative effort with an impartial panel of judges, prosecution, defense, affidavits, witnesses, and opportunities for interrogation and cross-examination of witnesses.  The whiff and odour of coverup is in the air.  Too bad too.

Opened on November 02, 2011
I would like SGM to accept Brent back into the adjudication process.

I understand that on October 11 Brent declined the adjudication proposal that Bryce (AoR) sent to CJ and Brent on October 3. But less than two weeks later Brent reversed his position and asked to be let back into the adjudication process: he was willing to accept the adjudication proposal.

By signing this petition, I am not necessarily agreeing with any of Brent's documents, blog posts, allegations, or positions he has taken the last many months. I simply think SGM should do the right thing and let Brent back into the adjudication process.

Note: if you wouldn't mind identifying yourself as one of these 5 categories, that would be helpful.

1 - Current SGM church pastor
2 - Current SGM church member
3 - Former SGM church pastor
4 - Former SGM church member
5 - Never been a member of an SGM church

Enter your name like this:
2 - John Smith

Thank you.
[Note: this petition was created by a concerned member of CLC.]

Background Information

If you want more details about the adjudication proposal and all that transpired between October 3 and October 11 below are links to specific blog posts by SGM and Brent.

SGM's Blog

Brent's Blog

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