Thursday, October 27, 2011

SGM-Mahaneygate: SGM Rejects Detwiler's Offer to Come to the Table

I am not sure this post by Detwiler helps or hurts his case. However, a few observations. (1) SGM has rejected Detwiler's offer to come to the table.  (2) Mickey Connolly, Crossway, Charlotte, NC, was voted down to have CJ speak there.  (3) Some SGM churches are withholding $$.  (4) If the math is right, 12 SGM Pastors weighed in--albeit without scholarly engagement.  A few weighed themselves out, in my estimation.  (5)  Some of the "pastoral responses" are a bit sophoric and churlish, e.g. Curt Allen and Danny Jones.  In fact, they aren't fitting for Pastors as thinkers, sober men, academicians, analysts, and deliberaters. My guess is these are fellas in their late 20s to late 30s.  These responses are not a "shining moment" for SGM-Pastors.  Quite the opposite.  I suspect their better thinkers are standing back.  (6)  Danny Jones makes his unimpressive cameo appearance in Detwiler's "The Untold Story"  with his [Danny's] experience that needs rigourous cross-examination.  (7) Inferrably, the [ ]'s, or brackets below, are probably Brent's editorial insertion and identification.

The big news, however, is SGM Board's refusal to allow Brent to the table.  I doubt this is A o R's perspective, but it appears to be SGM-Board driven.  It's messy.

A Rare View Inside SGM
I sent the following letter out to all the pastors in SGM. Here is the feedback I received. It gives you a rare view into the bias and prejudice that exists among some of the pastors.
I hasten to add, however, there are a growing number of pastors who have very serious concerns for C.J., Dave, and SGM in general. They are holding back on giving $ to SGM, they are considering whether to leave the movement, they are not certain they’ll show the upcoming SGM Mission Video if it features C.J., and they are not allowing C.J. to come and speak at their churches. Even Mickey Connolly in Charlotte, NC was voted down by the other staff pastors when he wanted C.J. to visit and preach.

You should also know the SGM Board rejected my appeal this week to proceed with the adjudication hearing. With evidence and witnesses piling up, they cannot afford a presentation of the facts and personal testimonies against C.J. They are now running from the truth and trampling justice. That’s why many pastors are appealing to the SGM Board of Directors to allow for an adjudication hearing. It is more important than ever.

And that’s why every person in Sovereign Grace Ministries should write the Board of Directors and demand there be an open and honest trial of fact regarding C.J. Mahaney and the Board itself. They must be held accountable for their actions because their prohibition amounts to a cover up. The truth must be weighed and witnesses heard in a court like setting. Private interviews do not suffice.

This is a make or break point in the history of SGM. There is no return. Either the Board humbles themselves or they resist in pride. They conceal and cover up or come clean. They earn trust or destroy trust even more. People throughout SGM will lose faith and hope if they say no to a hearing.

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 2:18 PM
To: All SGM Pastors; SGM Board
Subject: Adjudication Hearing

Hello Brothers,
I need a few minutes of your time. I’ll keep it brief. I did not find the Adjudication agreement I was sent from SGM/AoR acceptable (see attachments). I countered with the proposal below and asked that it be put to a vote of all SGM pastors. The SGM Board never responded to the merits of this proposal except to point out Ken Sande’s favorable bias of SGM which was fine by me. I hope you men can persuade the SGM Board to change its decision. It is important that evidence be presented and weighed. I do this out of love and loyalty to C.J. and SGM.

If you are not able to convince the SGM Board to accept my counter proposal below then I will accept their Adjudication agreement though I find it unjust. I cannot go away. There must be a hearing. C.J.’s sins are not acceptable sins. They are serious sins. For the good of the movement I must make my case. I’d very much like all of you to hear my fact based presentation. I hope that can happen some way because I’d much prefer every SGM pastor hear my presentation and so each pastor can decide for himself if C.J. is above reproach and qualified to serve on the Board of Directors. I’m glad to have the entire proceeding videoed or streamed live to all of you.

I will send to the SGM Board a signed copy of the agreement today with the stipulation that I’d first like all of you have time to share your perspective on my counter proposal. I’d recommend you read my blog posts at for a much fuller picture of what has transpired. I’ve also attached an important chronological summary and the adjudication agreement for your convenience.

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 8:45 AM
To: SGM Board
Cc: CLC Pastors, Ken Sande, Ted Kober; Edgar Keinath; Bryce Thomas
Subject: Suggested Proposal for Just, Impartial and Thorough Evaluation of C.J. and SGM

I formally request the following proposal be adopted by the SGM Board. If any parts of this proposal are unacceptable, please provide the reasons why and offer alternatives.

A Suggested Proposal for an Impartial, Just, and Thorough Evaluation of C.J. and Sovereign Grace Ministries
  1. Ken Sande serves as facilitator for the evaluation process.
  2. Ken selects three judges or lawyers and two pastors who are evangelical believers and highly respected with little or no knowledge of SGM to serve as the evaluators.
  3. This five man panel will hear evidence for and against C.J. and SGM. They will post a summary of the evidence and give their legal/pastoral opinion as to C.J.’s fitness and the fitness of other leaders like Dave, Steve Bob and Gene. They are also welcome to post their assessment of me.
  4. C.J. and I will negotiate the terms and conditions with Ken for this thorough going evaluation of SGM and its agents.
  5. If necessary, Ken will serve outside of his official capacity as President of Peacemakers if the terms and conditions of the agreement do not meet, or differ with, the specifications of Peacemakers and thereby prevent his official involvement. In such case, he will act as a qualified believer.
From: Warren Boettcher
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 2:57 PM
To: Jeff Boettcher; Bryon Lockhart; Tom Machowski; Tim Wolf; Tim Shorey; Tim Bowditch; Steve Cassarino; Scott Stengele
Subject: RE: Adjudication Hearing

Dear Brent,
I’d encourage you to accept the adjudication process as recommended by AoR and The Sovereign Grace Board. I believe it to be fair and that it will allow you to present your side completely as well as be judged impartially. I’m praying for you and all those that are involved that this will be resolved in a God-honoring manner.

Warren Boettcher
[Sr. Pastor, Marlton, New Jersey]

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 3:09 PM
To: Warren Boettcher; Jeff Boettcher; Bryon Lockhart; Tom Machowski; Tim Wolf; Tim Shorey; Tim Bowditch; Steve Cassarino; Scott Stengele
Subject: RE: Adjudication Hearing

Easy for you to say buddy!

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 6:24 PM
To: Warren Boettcher; Jeff Boettcher; Bryon Lockhart; Tom Machowski; Tim Wolf; Tim Shorey; Tim Bowditch; Steve Cassarino; Scott Stengele
Subject: RE: Adjudication Hearing

Bad news. The Board has rejected my offer! They don’t want any adjudication. They don’t want an airing of the issues against C.J. They will come up with fancy explanations but in reality they don’t want the truth getting out about C.J.

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 10:25 PM
To: Warren Boettcher; Jeff Boettcher; Bryon Lockhart; Tom Machowski; Tim Wolf; Tim Shorey; Tim Bowditch; Steve Cassarino; Scott Stengele
Subject: RE: Adjudication Hearing

I am going to appeal to the brothers. So will others.

From: Curt Allen
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 8:41 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Cc: All SGM Pastors
Subject: I'm Just saying pt. 2

Actually, I’m just playing is more like it. I just released a song about Christianity and homosexuality and I may get in trouble for it. I would love you guys’ support.

Brent take a break from all that jawbonin’ and put this on your blog man.
Free song download
Thanks fellas! See you soon...

May His voice always be heard,

Curt “voice” Allen
[Pastor, Solid Rock Church, Riverdale, Maryland – soon to be the home church of C.J. Mahaney]

From: Curt Allen
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 11:16 PM
To: Brent Detwiler; Jerry Cisar
Cc: All SGM Pastors
Subject: RE: I'm Just saying pt. 2

Brent, you need a hug man. For real! The only people that would sit and listen to you for two hours saying the same old stuff, are you, a few homeless people that thought there was going to be food afterwards, and a few flunkies that actually think all this is God glorifying. Brother, you got one foot on the grave and another on a banana and you are slippin’. Cut this stuff out man. Say what you got to say at the adjudication hearing and be done with it. No matter what you say in these emails and on your blog, we are not on your team man. You brought some good things to light that gave us categories to ask questions but now this is just division homeboy. This is factious. You need Jesus Brent. I promise, this is my last email guys. I promise! See you at the conference.

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 11:55 AM
To: Curt Allen
Cc: All SGM Pastors
Subject: RE: I'm Just saying pt. 2

This is when a man’s true grit is revealed. If you disagree with Curt let him and everyone else know. This type of bullying works in the hood but it should not work with you. In his arrogance, Curt assumes to speak for all of you. “We are not on your team man.”

If you disagree, be courageous and tell him to back off. Don’t let a thug intimidate you. This is the kind of abuse the Lord is addressing and Curt is clueless. I’m afraid he writes to impress you and uses this forum to promote his albums.

From: Danny D. Jones
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 3:13 PM
To: Brent Detwiler; Curt Allen
Cc: All SGM Pastors
Subject: RE: I'm Just saying pt. 2

Brent - Would you accept our appeal to you to stop this charade altogether? If every SGM pastor on this list would make this appeal to you, would you listen to any of us? Will you be satisfied with anything other than getting your own way in all of this? Your expression of “love and loyalty to CJ and SGM” is unwelcome and unnecessary.

The hypocrisy of your accusations is that you don’t acknowledge that you were in the middle of and responsible for the very things you accuse CJ and all of us of. You are embarrassing yourself and undermining our efforts to serve the people in our churches and communities. Please stop!

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 6:30 PM
To: Danny D. Jones
Cc: All SGM Pastors
Subject: RE: I'm Just saying pt. 2

This is no charade. The lying, deceit, cover up, manipulation, favoritism, abuse and hypocrisy are real! And it has been going on with C.J. since 2004 in earnest. You can stick you head in the sand and ignore the facts but in so doing you embrace evil. SGM doesn’t want you to know the truth. Back in July you condemned me after reading only 30 pages of RRF&D. That is no way to be impartial. You demonstrated your unwillingness to judge justly then. That continues.

You were not interested in truth. You were interested in correcting me without the facts. If you want to reject me, do so after you’ve studied what I’ve written. Then write intelligently. If you are too lazy, irresponsible and biased to do so, you should keep your speculations to yourself and continue to suffer the fate of fools as you allow SGM to twist, spin, connive and pervert the truth.

If you want to deal in reality then ask SGM for an open trial before all the leaders of SGM. I guarantee you, they will never agree to such an arrangement! The SGM Board doesn’t deal in evidence. They don’t put forth proofs. They don’t answer hard questions. They hide. They conceal. They spin. My friend, seek the truth and overcome your ignorance. And please let me know when I have lied, deceived, cover up the truth, manipulated others, played favorites, abused people like C.J., and lived hypocritically. Furthermore, these have been patterns not oddities in C.J.’s life.

From: Danny Jones
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 8:03 PM
To: Brent DetwilerDanny D. Jones
Subject: RE: I'm Just saying pt. 2

So you prove my point.

From: Danny Jones
Sent: Monday 24, 2011 8:59 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: RE: I'm Just saying pt. 2

So this is how you respond to a friend of over 2 decades that has served by your side through thick and thin? All I did in July is ask a question. Now I make a simple appeal. Please stop the nonsense.

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 12:21 AM
To: Danny D. Jones
Subject: RE: Friendship

Thin and thick? Not at critical times. Like when Dave talked to you and you threw me under the bus without ever letting me know. Or how about no support the last four years [see email below]. And in July you were not asking a question. You were making a loud statement of disagreement without even considering the facts [see email below]. That is not friendship.

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 12:16 AM
To: Jones, Danny
Cc: Joe Calabello
Subject: Dark Moments
Hey Danny,
Just wanted to mention something a second time. When Jenny and I had dinner with you after the Brown wedding you asked if there was any hindrance or offense in our relationship. I brought up the fact that you and Mel took no interest in Jenny and me during the darkest season of our lives – a prolong one. I had not finished expressing myself before you provided us an explanation – that is, all you were going through. You were much more concern to absolve yourself than hear us. As a friend, I was there during every dark period of your and Mel’s lives regardless of my personal challenges or circumstances. During our season, we felt no friendship from you. Not a call or email. Now you know I am bitter, angry and resentful…that’s what motivating me. Or that’s been our theology. Nope…really just sharing my heart. We are all learning.
In a similar way, when I was declared unfit for ministry in July 09, all my FL friends forsook me with a few minor exceptions like Joe. It broke my heart. Overnight I was on the outside alone and isolated. No friends to be found. They are afraid to relate to you. You’re damaged goods. A lot of men have been through the same scenario as me. I hope we all grow in our understanding of friendship.
From: Danny D. Jones
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2011 2:13 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Cc: C.J. Mahaney; Dave Harvey; Aron Osborne; Joshua Harris
Subject: Confidential response

Wow … I deeply appreciate my friendship with you and the way you have loved and mentored me over the years but after getting 30 pages into this, I seriously struggle with what you are doing here. That’s probably all I should say now but oh my Brent, I cannot understand your reasoning in sending this to all of us (certainly understand why you sent it to CJ and the other men involved). Sending all this to us doesn’t seem like the way you trained us to handle situations like this. Now the material is on the blogs and available to the entire world, the vast majority of which are not a part of the problem or the answer. I just don’t understand.

I’ll I know to do is pray. You are still a deeply treasured friend and I have a life-long debt of love for you and Jenny. That has not changed.

From: Danny Jones
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:28 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: RE: Friendship

So that’s it? - decades of working together and experiencing God’s kindness and blessing and now I am dumped, written off - like all the other friends you used to have. This is profoundly sad and one of the greatest disappointments of my life. You are not living the life you taught us to live for so many years. You’ve turned into a man I don’t even know and can’t communicate with.

As I said before, all I can do is trust the Lord - with you personally, with the conflict between you and CJ and with what seems to be irreparable harm you’ve done to our family of churches. All you spent your life building, you are trying to tear down - and trying to take us down with you. I don’t get it. People here have read all you’ve written and don’t get it [Danny doesn’t reveal that at least 100-200 people do get it and have left Metro Life Church]. The disappointment is unbearable. Oh God, have mercy!

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 2:06 PM
To: Danny Jones
Subject: RE: Friendship


You dumped me and wrote me off. I didn’t dump you. I was always there. Defending you. Helping you. Protecting you. Caring for you. But like an absentee father you never showed up the past four years. You forsook me. I did not leave you. You spoke ill of me without my knowledge in order to save your favored standing with Dave, etc.

Danny, it is shocking you are so blind to the very serious problems that exist in SGM. I am not taking you down. That is the Lord’s doing. The movement I helped to build is not the same movement that exists today. Deceit and other serious sins now entangle the SGM Board. You must appeal that C.J. and Dave repent or SGM may not have a future.


From: David York
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 2:43 PM
To: All SGM Pastors
Subject: Re: I'm Just saying pt. 2

I second your appeal, Danny. Thank you for stating so clearly what many of us have been thinking.

Dave York
[Sr. Pastor, Covenant Life Fellowship, Roseburg, Oregon]

From: Shannon Day
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 4:05 PM
To: David York; Danny D. Jones
Cc: Brent Detwiler; ALL SGM Pastors
Subject: Re: I'm Just saying pt. 2


Shannon Day
[Sr. Pastor, CrossWay Community Church, Crestview, Florida]

From: Shannon Day
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 4:03 PM
To: Brent Detwiler; Florida Pastors
Subject: Re: Adjudication Hearing

I appeal to you to cease from this seemingly unending desire to tear down others and this ministry (SGM) that God has and continues to use for His glory. Your emails and blog are not helpful as SGM seeks to go through this process of reconciliation and restoration.

May we all pray for the men who serve on the SGM board as they serve in this process! Brent, I am praying for you as well.


From: Kirk Whitworth
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:20 AM
To: Brent Detwiler; Rich Richardson
Cc: ALL SGM Pastors
Subject: Re: I'm Just saying pt. 2

I’ll just say that Curtis isn’t the one whose actions seem thuggish to me.

And it doesn’t seem prudent to me for a white man living in the south to call a black man a “thug”.

Just sayin’. 

[Pastor, Grace Community Church, Ashburn, Virginia]

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 4:20 PM
To: Kirk Whitworth; Rich Richardson
Cc: ALL SGM Pastors
Subject: Re: I'm Just saying pt. 2

Wow, Kirk! Playing the race card. That’s a good one. So maybe we should invite Tito Mercado and Brian Gash into this conversation. White men can be thugs also. You’re a good example. That is one of the main reasons Tito and Brian felt compelled to leave the Ashburn church in which they were pastors with you.

From: Kirk Whitworth
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 6:31 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Cc: ALL SGM Pastors
Subject: Re: I'm Just saying pt. 2

I'm not familiar with that particular accusation, but Brian and Tito are godly men whom I will miss serving in gospel ministry with, and Lord willing we will be reconciled over any lingering offenses, which I'm eager to do. I respect them for many things and in many ways, not the least of which is their sensitivity towards the way words are used injuriously against others. I don't think you will find much support from them in using racially-charged epithets towards those one disagrees with, but I will be glad to let you have the last word if you think that is necessary.

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 8:27 AM
To: Kirk Whitworth
Cc: ALL SGM Pastors
Subject: Re: I'm Just saying pt. 2

You’ve missed my point. I am not citing Tito and Brian in reference to your insulation that I am racist but in reference to their bad experience with you which contributed to their departure. You have sanitized your portrayal of them and handling of them. Not only did they have to leave but so have many others.

From: Jon Payne
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:33 AM
To: Brent Detwiler; Curt Allen
Cc: ALL SGM Pastors
Subject: Re: I'm Just saying pt. 2


Curt Allen is a friend of mine, a brother because of Jesus, and a partner in the gospel. For you to reference him as you have below is completely outrageous, and is out of keeping with the gospel and speech that represents the Lord in any way. I gladly stand by Curt as he faces such a disgraceful attack that mocks his salvation—and therefore my salvation as well. I am glad for the process established to go forward and for God to do his pruning work to help us bear fruit, and I have confidence that the Lord is completely in charge of his church and that this season will lead us to His ends, despite your attempts to convince us that this is in jeopardy. I have great respect for the men on this list, from many of whom I have inherited a vision for the gospel, the local church, humility, the Word, and fellowship in the faith—and who should not, must not, become a target of such an attack as you have leveled at Curt.

Let me urge you, with the Lord as witness, to repent of demeaning Curt with the terms you have used below.

In Christ,
Jon Payne
[Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church, Gilbert, Arizona – home church of Steve Shank]

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:53 AM
To: Jon Payne; Curt Allen
Cc: ALL SGM Pastors
Subject: Re: I'm Just saying pt. 2


You don’t address his comments to me. It reveals your bias and prejudice. I don’t doubt his salvation. That’s a manic leap. By thug I mean beating up on me in his description of me. Jon, you’re a good guy but you demonstrate by your very response the kind of problems that exist in SGM. You don’t deal with Curt. You give him a pass. You put all the blame on me.


From: Jeff Boettcher
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:46 AM
To: Brent Detwiler; Jon Payner
Cc: ALL SGM Pastors
Subject: Re: I'm Just saying pt. 2

Well said Jon. I think you speak for anyone who knows Curt. Although, I don’t think Curt needs anyone defending him. I mean the guy offers a hug and it gets interpreted as an “intimidation tactic.” Curt is obviously one bad dude if even his hugs are lethal... haha.

Curt don’t let it go to your head, your hugs don’t intimidate me...

Jeff Boettcher

From: Rich Richardson
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 9:54 AM
To: Brent Detwiler; Curt Allen
Cc: ALL SGM Pastors
Subject: Re: I'm Just saying pt. 2


Curt is not a thug. You are trying to be an intimidator. Please stop, it is not working. I’m with Curt.
In Christ,

[Sr. Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church, Gilbert, Arizona - home church of Steve Shank]

From: Rob Tombrella
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 11:01 AM
To: Brent Detwiler; Rich Richardson
Cc: ALL SGM Pastors
Subject: Re: I'm Just saying pt. 2


Curt is no thug and he’s not intimidating us or bullying anybody. He’s trying to appeal to you as a brother. I agree with Curt. You’ve said all that you could possibly need or desire to. Move forward with the adjudication process and move on.

[Pastor, Grace Church, Dallas Texas – home church of SGM Board member, Craig Cabaniss]

From: Mark Lauterbach
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 11:14 AM
To: Brent Detwiler; Rob Tombrella
Cc: All SGM Pastors
Subject: Re: I'm Just saying pt. 2

I would agree with these comments Brent. I see no thuggery in Curt, but I do hear a warm invitation to come and be part of the process of adjudication.

[Sr. Pastor, Grace Church, San Diego, California]

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 12:24 PM
To: Mark Lauterbach; Rob Tombrella
Cc: All SGM Pastors
Subject: RE: I'm Just saying pt. 2

Mark…you know of my respect but this is not a “warm invitation.”

“Brent, you need a hug man. For real! The only people that would sit and listen to you for two hours saying the same old stuff, are you, a few homeless people that thought there was going to be food afterwards, and a few flunkies that actually think all this is God glorifying. Brother, you got one foot on the grave and another on a banana and you are slippin’. Cut this stuff out man. Say what you got to say at the adjudication hearing and be done with it. No matter what you say in these emails and on your blog, we are not on your team man. You brought some good things to light that gave us categories to ask questions but now this is just division homeboy. This is factious. You need Jesus Brent. I promise, this is my last email guys. I promise! See you at the conference.”

From: Timothy Gillmore
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 11:45 AM
To: Mark Lauterbach; Rob Tombrella
Cc: All SGM Pastors
Subject: RE: I'm Just saying pt. 2

My very brief two cents…”Keep Thuggin’ for Jesus, Curt!”
When it’s all said and done…

[Pastor, Grace Community Church, Westminster, Colorado]

From: Matthew Wassink
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 12:03 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: FW: Adjudication Hearing

I vote no. But that’s just to give you the heads up that having read the docs and all the other info, I’m not down with your adversarial and manipulative proposal [Matthew is referring to the five proposal above that included Ken Sande], not that I think this should come down to a vote of all SGM pastors.

[Sr. Pastor, Providence Community Church, Lenexa, Kansas]

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 12:25 PM
To: Matthew Wassink
Subject: Re: Adjudication Hearing

Hi Matthew. I am happy to accept the terms SGM has set.

From: Matthew Wassink
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 12:31 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Adjudication Hearing

No Brent, you declined. You even declined when the AoR representative followed up a day after the deadline. You claimed your conscience wouldn’t allow it. The fact that you are now going back on your word and previous decision simply appears to be another example in a growing list of ways you have tried to hold SGM (the board, its pastors and its churches) hostage during this whole process. You had an opportunity to participate. You declined. You then declined again. I think it is totally appropriate that the board move on and accept your initial decision.


From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 12:49 PM
To: Matthew Wassink
Subject: RE: Adjudication Hearing

Matthew – you only have the SGM version of events. It is not truthful! For example, there was only one proposal and I only declined once.

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:09 PM
To: Matthew Wassink
Subject: RE: Adjudication Hearing

Of course you think it is fine for the Board to move on. You don’t want the truth to interfere with the spin. Stand up and ask for an open hearing! You must allow for freedom of conscience on matters like these less you abuse people. At the time, I said that I did not feel the liberty to accept a proposal that was unjust and violated many promises made to me. Given the spin being put out by SGM, I changed my view. Any hearing is better than no hearing.

From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:59 AM
To: Kirk Whitworth; Rich Richardson
Cc: ALL SGM Pastors
Subject: Re: I'm Just saying pt. 2

Of course, all of your responses illustrate why a third party, outside, no history with SGM group of evaluators was crucial to a just hearing. It is also one of the reasons the SGM Board broke their promise and commitment to provide such a panel. If you want to major on important things than appeal for a just adjudication process.

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