Sunday, October 23, 2011

Military Chaplains, DoD, and Gay Marriages

Thousands of Chaplains defy Pentagon, refuse homosexual weddings. Over 2,000 evangelical military chaplains and all Roman Catholic chaplains have defied the Obama-Pentagon by proclaiming they will never endorse, perform, or facilitate homosexual marriages in the military, or in military chapels, setting up a confrontation that could soon lead to their punishment. reports the "director of public affairs for the Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, confirmed that no homosexual marriage ceremonies will be allowed at the Catholic Chapel of the Most Holy Trinity at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point."

This open defiance of the Pentagon directly contradicts new rules that force all chaplains to facilitate homosexual weddings by opening up their chapels to desecration, even if the chaplains decline to preside at a ceremony. Last month we reported "The Defense Department general counsel [lawyer], said in one memo...that the military must make its facilities available on a basis that is neutral toward sexual orientation." [In other words, chaplains MUST open up their chapels to desecration.]

But the Catholic rebellion against the Pentagon matches the Pentagon's rebellion against federal law. "The Department of Defense has decided to put the White House's liberal agenda ahead of following the law," said Congressman Todd Akin, chairman of the House Armed Services sea power subcommittee, to The Hill. "The Defense of Marriage Act makes it clear that for the purposes of the federal government, marriage is defined as between one man and one woman."

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