Sunday, July 17, 2011

SGM, Mahaney, Detwiler: New 11-page Document Publicly Emerges

The seventh document emerges from Brent Detwiler regarding Ligon Duncan and Al Mohler's friend, C.J. Mahaney.  We're beginning to review--again--the first six documents.  Church government is one serious problem, to wit: an episcopacy in the hands of serious autocrats. A second problem is a legalistic, if not immature, view of the Gospel.  A third problem is worship.  But, we digress.  Here's #7.

1 comment:

  1. A brilliant commenter suggested it might not be in Brent's best interest to become Captain Ahab obsessed with his Moby Dick ( C.J. and the leadership).

    I thought that was well put.

    Seneca Griggs.
