Saturday, July 30, 2011

The LORD's Day: Sixth Sunday after Trinity

The LORD's Day, the Sabbath.

A few musings prior to divine worship for tomorrow, the Sixth Sunday after Trinity.!/groups/146899558722807/

We've had a marathon day of debates from the early AM of Saturday until 2300 Saturday on Capitol Hill.  The Senate adjourned about 2300 with putative discussions to resume tomorrow, the LORD's Day.  The talking heads on the major cable and TV outlets will opine, chat, propose and counter-propose, throughout tomorrow, starting in the morning.  It will go on throughout the rest of the LORD's Day.

Aside from our more narrow objectives for this forum, to wit, Anglican Prayerbook Churchmanship, as previously noted, and beyond those objectives, watch for the nation's leaders to denigrate, delimit, dishonour and desecrate the 4th commandment, the LORD's Day, tomorrow with debates on the Hill and in the news. No sense, no humility, no honour, no kneeling, no order, sense, decency or decorum. The LORD's Day, thanks to the clerics and leaders, has no place.  Thanks the Bishops, Presbyters and Deacons for these disorders and dysfunctions.

No calls for prayer, worship, kneeling, supplicancy or ordered worship of the Triune Majesty as our BPC directs. Never mind anything about Biblical exposition, Prayer Book piety or our duties.

Expect little from the national leaders in the "evangelical" media, an under-educated and ill-inspiring breed of Eng. lit or journalist types. 

Of course, the mainliners have been asleep for decades, yeah, are near-wise buried in a comatose state. 

Billy Graham? Snoring. Christianity Today? Worthless. World Magazine? Huh? Ligon Duncan? A Baptyerian. Sproul Sr? Concerned about his academy. ACNA or AMiA? Attempting to survive, albeit with no Confession. 

OPC, URCNA, LCMS and WELS will honour the LORD's Day, although the Calvinists have a better sense of it in my estimation. It's His Majesty's Day and no one else's.

Of course, the Hillbillies, e.g. America's predominate faith like TBN, wouldn't even know what the 4th Commandment is. The Hillbillies have no Confessions and no liturgies.  They are free-wheeling Americans.

"Power mongers," power worshippers, and idolaters is suggested by the observation of some of the journo-types.  Where's the LORD's Day for the journalists? 

1 Jn. 2.15 comes to mind.

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