Saturday, June 25, 2011

A theologically liberal critique of the theological liberals

I read yesterday about the continuing court battle over the property of Olivet Presbyterian Church in Evansville, Ind. I have a long connection with that church. I served there as the director of youth and family ministries when I was a seminary student at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in the mid-1990’s. Rev. David Mills showed me great patience and kindness as I found my theological and ecclesiastical bearings. I transferred my ordination from the PCUSA to the PCA in 2002, but my wife and I still have many dear friends at Olivet with whom we converse regularly. I was also under care of the Ohio Valley Presbytery, first as an inquirer and then as a candidate, so I’m not unfamiliar with the culture of that presbytery, though I’m sure a lot of the faces have changed in the last 10 or 11 years.
Though I am addressing this communication to The Layman, I hope to speak past The Layman’s natural audience to those on the other side of the theological and ideological divide. I hope to speak truth and to speak it charitably but firmly. I hope to do so as one who has some familiarity with the issues and the culture involved, and yet as one who is far enough removed to have a different perspective.

For more on this compelling critique of liberals in the respressive PCUSA

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