In the face of "emergent theologians, "moral and therapeutic Deists" (Rick Warren, Charles Stanley, Joel Osteen and other Anabaptist revivalists, enthusiasts and CCM-hypsters), Pelagian and heretical mainline liberals (e.g. the TEC, my heritage), and other chaoticities...we still read His Majesty's Sovereign, Almighty, Omnipotent, Perspicuous, Defining, Governing (Article VI of the 39 Articles, Ch.1 of the WCF) and Saving Word, by day and night.
HM's Word is the light and lamp to our feet in these difficult times in the Anglican Babylonian Captivity. Psalm 119: 105.
True to our heritage, we sing the Magnificat, Luke 1.46ff., in response to our Redeemer's Word this evening.
We are thankful to Sir Charles Villiers Sanford for his rendering of Luke 1.46ff, a responsorial to the hearing of God's Word.
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