Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Francis J. Hall’s Dogmatic Theology « Prydain

Francis J. Hall’s Dogmatic Theology « Prydain

An American Tractarian's Dogmatics.

Francis J. Hall’s Dogmatic Theology
Many of us are familiar with the works of Francis J. Hall, DD; he was a professor of dogmatic theology at the Episcopal Church’s General Theological Seminary in the early 20th century and (or so it seems to me) tended towards the Anglo-Catholic side of doctrine. He wrote a ten-volume Dogmatic Theology that is actually still being printed by the APCK’s American Church Union, but is in the public domain and hence Google Books has scanned them and made them available as PDF files.

While I am not in agreement with everything Dr. Hall wrote in his books, nevertheless I do have a great deal of respect for him as I think he represents perhaps the best of the American heirs of the Tractarians. Therefore, since I have now been able to locate and upload all of the ten volumes of his Dogmatic Theology to this blog, I am making them available on this page for public, noncommercial use as per Google’s usage guidelines. (Note: Volumes V (Creation and Man), VII (The Redemption and Exaltation of Christ) and VIII (The Church and the Sacramental System) have now been added.)

Volume I: Introduction

Volume II: Authority

Volume III: Being and Attributes of God

Volume IV: The Trinity

Volume V: Creation and Man

Volume VI: The Incarnation

Volume VII: The Redemption and Exaltation of Christ

Volume VIII: The Church and the Sacramental System

Volume IX: The Sacraments

Volume X: Eschatology and Indexes

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