by Donald Philip Veitch
10 November 1890:
Anglo-Catholics and Purgatory
Historic Anglicans have confessed for centuries: “Neither let us dream any more, that the souls of the dead are anything holpen by our prayers” (Homily Concerning Prayer. Third part).
We deal here with several things: (1) the introduction of Romanism and purgatory to Anglicanism and, by implication, (2) weak, incompetent or indifferent Anglican and Episcopal Bishops in ACNA, REC, APA, AMiA, and at
The “Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament (C.S.B), a Tractarian Anglican group, began however to be unsatisfied with mere prayers for the dead. In an “advanced” direction, they initiated the annual “Mass for the Dead”. These men of the C.S.B. are like Roman Catholics, believing that such earthly intercessions improve the lot of the departed.
Lord Halifax, an Anglo-Romaphile, published this in the Eighteenth Annual Report of C.B.S, p.xii:
“As the cross sums up in one single act the atoning efficacy of the offering which Christ made through his whole life and by His death upon the Cross, so the Eucharist, which perpetuates and applies that offering, enables us to offer up our whole souls and bodies in life and in death as an acceptable sacrifice to the Father of all…Are we troubled about those who in the shadow of death are awaiting the Judgment? The blood of the Sacrifice reaches down to the prisoners of hope, and the dead as they are made to possess their old sins in the darkness of the grave, thanks us as we offer for them the Sacrifice which restores to light and immortality.”
(Walsh, The Secret History of the Oxford Movement (London: Swan Sonnenschin and Co., Lim., 1899)
On 14 November 1890, Rev. E. de S. Wood stated “without blush, shame or integrity”, at the “Mass for the Dead” or the “Solemn Requiem” said:
“The souls in Paradise are offering the homage of their spiritual sufferings in the realms of Purgatory, and are helped by our prayers and Eucharistic services.”
Yet, what is offered is a concordat of Bishop Peter Akinola (Nigeria), Bishop Riches (REC) and Bishop Grunsdorf (APA) is world-class accomodationism.
Grunsdorf has purgatorialists throughout the APA. Yet, Grunsdorf claims to hold the Thirty-nine Articles? Where's the integrity of Bp. Riches and his associates?
But then Anglican Mission in America (AMiA) allows Anglo-Catholic and purgatorialists under the same roof while postulating adherence to the the Thirty-nine Articles.
We look for media and investigative articles. We get none.
David Virtue lauds them all while thumping Western liberal homo-erotica. Virtue plants his head in the sand and we get silence across the entire media and ACNA-front.
We have integrity and leadership problems.
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