Thursday, December 2, 2010

Church Times - Carey launches campaign for ‘persecuted’ Christians

CHRISTIANITY in the UK “is in danger of being stealthily and subtly brushed aside”, the former Arch­bishop of Canterbury, the Rt Revd Lord Carey, said during the launch of Not Ashamed, a campaign that seeks to speak up for Christian values in public life.

"The campaign was launched outside the House of Lords on Wednesday, and includes a leaflet by Lord Carey, in which he writes that the Christian faith underpins the values of Britain, but that this “rich legacy is under attack”.

He continues: “The evidence has been mounting in recent years. Teachers and council employees are suspended for offering to ‘say a prayer’.” He attributes the trend to a combination of well-meaning poli­tical correctness, multicultural­ism, and overt opposition to Christi­anity.

For more, see:
Church Times - Carey launches campaign for ‘persecuted’ Christians

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