Commendable and something that should be tried in the Reformed and (Confessional, not American) Anglican world. The latter have amnesia. Hat tip to the Confessional Lutherans.
Hymn Based on the Augsburg Confession | CyberBrethren-A Lutheran Blog
LORD, EVER keep for us secure
The Augsburg doctrine true and pure,
Which John th’ Elector did confess
Before the world with fearlessness.
Article I. Of the Divine Being.
2. That You are three in unity,
One God from all eternity,
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,—
This is our clear confession’s boast.
Article II. Of Original Sin.
3. We further without fear confess
Our sin and gross unrighteousness
Inherited, for which, forlorn,
We perish would, unless reborn.
Article III. Of the Person and Work of Christ.
4. This also gives us hope and cheer,
That Jesus Christ, our Savior dear,
True God and Man came to us men
And all the world redeemed from sin.
Article IV. Of Justification of the Poor Sinner Before God.
5. A man is therefore saved and blest
If he believes in Jesus Christ,
Who makes our sin as white as snow,
And pays the debt He did not owe.
Article V. Of the Means of Obtaining Faith.
6. Such faith we surely too obtain
When we with eagerness remain
In Word and Sacrament, nor shirk;
The Spirit thus perfects His work
Article VI. Of the Fruits of Faith.
7. Where faith is found, there follow too
At every hour good works and true;
Yet only faith can justify,
Works to the neighbor help supply.
Article VII. Of the Christian Church.
8. The Church of Christ must there be sought
Where God’s whole Word is purely taught,
And Christ’s most holy Sacrament
Is given after His intent.
Article VIII. What the Church Is.
9. As in a flock strange sheep may go,
So in the Church it is also,
Where hypocrites may often lurk;
Yet this hurts not God’s holy work.
Article IX. Of Baptism.
10. Baptis’m’s font, the blessed bath,
Brings us God’s grace and stills His wrath;
It makes us children blest and new,
And washes off sin’s crimson hue.
Article X. Of the Supper.
11. Christ also therefore did ordain
The Holy Supper to retain:
Gives us His body and His blood
Under bread and wine for our great good.
Article XI. Of Confession and Absolution.
12. And of confession, it is taught
That none can know all errors wrought,
Yet one should come and humbly say
“Lord, loose the sins that on me weigh.”
Article XII. Of Repentance.
13. Repentance given was for them
Whose sins weigh heavy and seem grim,
And who believe in Christ their Lord,
And see what help it shall afford.
Article XIII. Of the Sacraments.
14. The Sacraments’ true, proper use
Our good confession also shows.
They are the tokens of God’s grace,
Faith’s aid of strength and resting-place.
Article XIV. Of Ecclesastical Order.
15. In church none teach, this we believe,
Save who a proper call receive,
And enter office orderly,—
A sheperd good they then will be.
Article XV. Of Church Customs.
16. Of useful customs, every one
In proper season may be done;
Your conscience only let think not
As if thereby you merit aught.
Article XVI. Of Civil Affairs.
17. All rulers, laws, and governments
Exist by God’s good ordinance,
And all their honor to sustain
Our good confession tells us plain.
Article XVII. Of Christ’s Return to Judgment.
18. The Final Judgment is to come,
When Christ shall raise His Christendom
In flesh to heaven’s hall, and send
The wicked to eternal pain.
Article XVIII. Of Free Will.
19. In outward matters man is free
To do or do not willingly,
But as for matters spiritual,
Man understands no thing at all.
Article XIX. Of the Cause of Sin.
20. Our God is not the cause of sin,
As unbelievers would maintain;
Sins only rise from Satan’s art,
With help of man’s perverted heart.
Article XX. Of Faith and Good Works.
21. Though we good works may well revere
The Word of God is very clear,
That we are justified, we own,
And saved by grace, through faith alone.
Article XXII. Of Saints, How They Should Be Honored.
22. Pray not to saints, nor them invoke;
For such a thing God does not look;
They are examples, so that we
May live and trust Him blamelessly.
23. Thus is our doctrine summarized.
If you would be of more apprised,
Read Holy Scripture, as you can,
And guard yourself from lore of man.
24. O God, grant those who lead our land
In this confessions firm to stand,
That our descendants may enjoy
Their doctrine pure without alloy.
25. Amen, O Holy Trinity:
All glory ever be to Thee,
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
You teach the faith we need the most.
Each translation ( © Matthew Carver) / CC BY-NC 3.0
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