Friday, August 20, 2010

Walking 1,000 Miles in the Footsteps of Martin Luther, From Erfurt, Germany to Rome, and Thinking About the Reformation. -

Walking 1,000 Miles in the Footsteps of Martin Luther, From Erfurt, Germany to Rome, and Thinking About the Reformation. -

We'll be following this blog as the steps of Bruder Martin are retraced by a few journalists from Erfurt to earth's hell hole, Rome, Vatican, the home to all manner of usurpations.

The trip by these WSJ writers will take 70 days and will attempt to follow Martin's footsteps in 1510--when he went to hell on earth.

You may wish to follow the feed at

We will be walking alongside, electronically.
The itinerary for these "church ecumenists" is below. We would propose that Pope Benedict set out "on foot" in "sackcloth and ashes" and make his "pilgrimmages" to Erfurt and Wittenberg. End of story.


Below is our pro­posed itin­er­ary. Many of the stop­ping places are small vil­lages or even ham­lets, so I’ve included the larger towns on-route or nearby.

This sched­ule will likely change some­what before we leave, and while we adjust it on-route. Stay tuned to our progress posts for more exact esti­mate of our arrival in any given place.

If you want more spe­cific route infor­ma­tion, visit our maps page, where each day’s jour­ney is indi­cated in dis­tinct colors.

Date City
08–21 Erfurt
08–22 Arn­stadt
08–23 Paulinzella
08–24 Dees­bach
08–25 Almer­swind (~Coburg)
08–26 Grub am Forst
08–27 Lofeld (~Licht­en­fels)
08–28 Bam­berg
08–29 Bam­berg
08–30 Hallern­dorf
08–31 Dor­mitz (~Erlan­gen)
09–01 Nurm­burg
09–02 Haag (~Schwabach)
09–03 Brom­bach
09–04 Gun­zen­hausen
09–05 Oet­tin­gen in Bay­ern
09–06 Nordlin­gen
09–07 Auern­heim
09–08 Stet­ten ob Lon­tal
09–09 Ulm
09–10 Ulm
09–11 Weis­shorn (~Senden)
09–12 Boos
09–13 Rothen­stein (~Mem­min­gen)
09–14 Ermengerst (~Kempten)
09–15 Wil­hams (~Mis­sen)
09–16 Schei­degg
09–17 Bre­genz
09–18 Bre­genz
09–19 Rankweil
09–20 Maien­feld
09–21 Parpan (~Chur)
09–22 Fur­natsch (~Tiefen­cas­tel)
09–23 Casac­cio (~Sep­ti­mer Pass)
09–24 Chi­avenna
09–25 Grave­dona
09–26 Musa
09–27 Laglio
09–28 Seveso (~Como)
09–29 Milan
09–30 Pavia
10–01 Santa Cristina
10–02 Cal­en­dasco
10–03 Pia­cenza
10–04 Fioren­zuolo
10–05 Costamez­zana
10–06 ~Bar­done
10–07 Passo Cisa
10–08 Vil­lafranca in Luni­giana
10–09 Sarzana (~Spezia)
10–10 Sarzana
10–11 Massa
10–12 Camaiore
10–13 Altopas­cio (Lucca)
10–14 Flo­rence
10–15 Flo­rence, San Mini­ato
10–16 San Gimignano
10–17 San Gimignano
10–18 Mon­terig­gione
10–19 Sienna
10–20 Buon­con­vento
10–21 Cas­tiglione d’Orcia
10–22 Ponte del Rigo
10–23 San Lorenzo Nuovo
10–24 Mon­te­fi­as­cone
10–25 Viterbo
10–26 Capran­ica
10–27 Cam­pag­nano di Roma
10–28 La Storta
10–29 Rome
10–30 Rome

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