Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Stanley Hauerwas Laments the Loss of Liturgy

Liturgy vs. Entertainment

Stanley Hauerwas laments the loss of liturgy ("the work of the people") within the church growth movement in favor of "worship experiences" that promote religious entertainment:

Imaginary conversation:

Christian: "We go 'to work' on Sundays, like a 'work-out.'"

RA (Religio Americanorum, henceforth): "Really, Dude? Not me. I work during the week. Church isn't about 'work,' it's about 'enthusiasm.'"

Christian: "Well, we go to hear His most Holy Word read, prayed and taught. It takes thought, focus, meditation and due diligence. We go 'to work' as a congregation by corporate prayer, not just some one on his own. It's there that we receive His most holy sacraments..."

RA: "Whoa, let's just finish it there. You've said enough, Dude. That's too much for me."

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