Monday, August 16, 2010

Comfortable Words: A Prayer of the Venerable Bede, after chanting the Psalms

Comfortable Words: A Prayer of the Venerable Bede, after chanting the Psalms

O THOU who dost set souls at liberty, Redeemer of the World, Jesus Christ, eternal God, immortal king, I, even I, a sinner, implore thy boundless clemency, that of thy great mercy, and by the chanting of the Psalms, which I, even I, a sinner have again sung, thou wilt set my soul free from sin.

Turn my heart from all evil, misshapen, and treacherous thoughts, free my body from servitude to sin, drive from me fleshly lusts, deliver me from every snare of Satan and his servants, seen and unseen.

Preserve me from these and from all evils, Saviour of the world, who livest and reignest and hast the lordship, with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, God, throughout endless ages of ages. Amen.

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