Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Almost-Luther Day | Here I Walk

The journey of Luther, as followed by a couple of journalists.

The Almost-Luther Day Here I Walk

The Almost-Luther Day

We have dubbed today the Almost-Luther Day, because at 39km we fell a tri­fle short of the 42km aver­age he is sup­posed to have walked on his south­ward jour­ney. (Much of the day was spent along the Rennsteig, a very old road from Ilme­nau south­wards. Many times we walked through the rut–sometimes more than 8ft deep–carved by hun­dreds of years of horses, mules, oxes and carts. All in all a very his­tor­i­cal day.)

All the same it took us 13.5 hours and we’re in our Zim­merver­mi­etung in a state nearly beside our­selves with exhaus­tion. We also got a taste of Luther’s win­ter cold, despite it being August. And we also real­ized that walk­ing in Novem­ber and Decem­ber, Luther must have spent quite a lot of time walk­ing in the dark. More on this and our other day’s adven­tures tomor­row when we are more coherent

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