VirtueOnline - News - Theology, Research ... - The Faith We Confess - Gerald Bray
The Faith We Confess
An exposition of the 39 Articles
By Gerald Bray
"A brilliant resource for the study of authentic, biblical and evangelical Anglicanism" - That is The Faith We Confess - An Exposition of the 39 Articles by Gerald Bray according to Mark Thompson in his blogspot of 26th January 2010
He continues; His recently published study of the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, The Faith we Confess: An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles (London: Latimer Trust, 2009) should be included on the reading lists of every Anglican theological college.
Gerald's book is delightfully accessible and yet displays both theological depth and historical sensitivity. Following introductory chapters on the nature of the Articles as statements of doctrine, the origin , revision and structure of the Articles, and a very helpful bibliography on the subject, the book turns to the exposition of each article in three to five pages, exposing the theological intent and biblical basis for what was said and commenting on relevant historical considerations (e.g. dependence upon and development of classic credal statements, etc.). There are also valuable appendices on official declarations about the Articles and the practice of subscription.
Each chapter concludes with some questions for discussion, making this an ideal study book for churches as well as seminaries.
Gerald's lifetime of engagement with Christian theology, his rich appreciation of the historical unfolding of the Christian theological tradition, and his remarkable gift for clarity and simplicity of expression and explanation, a gift which serves the interests of a genuine profundity, are all very evident in this book...
It is a great sign of hope for the future that new attention is being given to the 39 Articles within Anglican circles. While we are not slavishly bound to them and must always test what they say by the teaching of Scripture itself, they provide the context for one enduring expression of evangelical (and unambiguously Reformed) belief and practice. Gerald Bray's contribution to the renaissance of theological engagement with the Articles is very welcome and will no doubt prove to be extremely useful for many years to come.
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