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TBN, Pentecostals, Emergents, Rick Warren, Liberals and Romans 3
1. Some observations on Romans 3 and Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown’s “A Commentary” (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1978), 205-210.
2. Paul rallies all around the Scripture: (1) All are dead, wicked, depraved and no one seeks God, 3.1-20. The “law“ exposes everybody. (2) There is a gratuitous, free, and all-availing propitiation and expiation in Christ Jesus. Justification is by faith apart from the works of the law and is received through faith alone. Redemption is free to those who believe, but TBN requires seed money. 3.9-20 is worth memorizing. Arminianism and Finneyism die here. Pentecostals die here, theologically. Warren, 40 days with Rick. Wrong, Rick. Romans 3.21-31 as well.
3. After meditating on Romans 3 all night, I then toured Osteen clips. I about died from lawful indignation. Joel's little blurb is nothing but an insult to Christ in his redemptive and resurrectional power, life and accomplishments. This fellow is a certifiable village idiot that must be driven off the scene. Listen to boy-Joel on the death and resurrection at:
4. Then study Romans 3. Grrr!! The point of this thread is not to offer a commentary on Romans 3. That's for another time. It is about the black and white, night and day, difference between these false prophets and St. Paul's message. Grrrr!!!
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