1. John MacArthur’s work “Charismatic Chaos” was published in 1992. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1992)
2. The work garnered unexpected support from many, including Pastors afraid to raise the issue. Others felt is was divisive, critical and, at points, exaggerated.
3. In 1992, MacArthur was being heard in 200 radio stations nationwide. The title of the broadcast was “Grace to You.“ However, station managers, while supportive of MacArthur’s positions, feared that this was divisive.... See More
4. One network executive wrote MacArthur saying, “ Please reconsider your policy of dealing with the charismatic movement and other controversial topics on your radio broadcasts. Though we share your convictions on these issues, many of our listeners do not. These people are our dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and we do not feel it is helpful to the cause of Christ to attack what they believe. We are committed to keeping peace among the brethren and unity in the body of Christ. Thank you for being sensitive to these concerns.”
5. Recklessness abounds. 1) Tilton mailed a “miracle coin,” actually a worthless token, to hundreds of thousands. 2) A charismatic priest, while doing the rosary, saw Mary. 3) Dollar bills turned into twenties. 4) Washing machines and household appliances have been healed. 5) Empty fuel tanks on autos miraculously filled. 6) Demons exorcised from vending machines that refused to give change back or the promised product. 7) Dogs taught to bark in tongues. 8) A flat tire miraculously healed.
6. Until 1959, Pentecostalism largely involved the Assemblies of God, Four Square Gospel Churches and the United Pentecostals. Due to the rampant individualism and gross narcissism, strong egocentric personalities, and countervailing and internecine conflicts of combative visions and prophecies, the divisive and sectarian nature of neo-Montanism has produced groups.
7. Preliminarily, it gets passes due to: 1) Intimidation: the Pharisee trump card and allegations of being divisive, unloving, judgmental and not bearing the fruits of the Spirit. Of course, those are pulled when the criticisms are offered, reflecting not on the critic, but on the obstinate defender of Montanistic Pentecostalism. 2) Cowardice like the network executive above. 3) Cowardice by Pastors and national leaders. 4) Fear by leaders to lose followers. 5) Fear of loss of income. We will continue to ponder the reasons why there is no effective counter-assault on these ungoverned, untaught, loud, defensive Monanist (Pentecostal) imperialists.
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