Friday, January 15, 2010

A note of thanks

It is to His Majesty that thanks is offered, to wit, that this scribe is retired and can read for a living. That wasn't always the case, having had a busy and active life before retirement. As a result, we post alot here. Our effort and goal is stated on the main page. We believe we are probably one of the more active blogspots for Anglican (and Reformational) classics. There are other rock-solid ones also, but we are thankful that we can post with vigour.

We beseech HM (my code for new readers for "His Majesty, Three-in-One) to bless the deliberations and decisions reached here, for the sake of Him alone, Christ Jesus, our Sure and Certain Redeemer, who, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, is exalted and magnfied as the one true and living God, world without end.

We trust this forum will be useful to the readers.

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