Thursday, November 26, 2009

Poll Results: 26 May 2009

Question One: Orthodoxy "abominates Calvinism as impious and blasphemous?”

6 said “definitely.” 5 said “yes.” 5 said “definitely not.”

37-31-31% breakdown.

Or, 68% said “yes” and about 31% said “definitely not.”

We don’t wish to make martyrs of the ignorant with empty words. The “definitely not” vote is fluxam et evanidam vox, “hot air going into the air.”

The tribal rulers in the subculture of the ACNA as well as the naysaying voters need to review the "Synod of Jerusalem, 1672," the "Confession of Dositheus," and subsequent affirmations thereof. We heard the public reverie of Metropolitan Jonah, OCA, in his unsparing and searing scorn of the Reformation as "heresy"—we heard it with our own ears. There has not been one voice of repudiation amongst the chaotic leaders with their subjective whims setting the criteria--themselves--for doctrine.

For the Anglican opportunists, both documents above were directed at Calvinism. The former was signed by Dositheus, Patriarch of Jerusalem, and 68 Eastern Bishops. It was reaffirmed in Constantinople also.

This Synod is the “most important in the modern history of the Eastern Church and may be compared to the Council of Trent.” Both Trent and the Synod of Jerusalem fixed (like ossified substratum rocks) “the doctrinal status of the Churches they represent,” respectively.

The Synod of Jerusalem and Confession of Dositheus were “public confessions” in opposition to Calvinism and Lutheranism.

The “definitely not” vote is a hopeful but utopian version of a marvelous alchemy. Deny it as much as one might desire, Orthodoxy abominates Calvinism and Lutheranism.

Let’s not play fiddle to gray or shaded lies here.

“Three-fold anathemas” (not one) are hurled at the Protestants. Trent only issues one thunderclap of one anathema at all Confessional Protestants (we exclude non-confessional Protestants). From the Orthodox, however, we get Trinitarian anathemas---three for one.

Orthodoxy rides its broomstick of curses over Wittenberg, Geneva, and historic (Reformational) Canterbury.

We bring you some of the "Orthodox Articles."

"Article III from the Orthodox Confession—God has from eternity predestinated to glory those who would, in his foreknowledge, make good use of their free will in accepting salvation, and has condemned those who would reject it. The Calvinistic doctrine of unconditional election is condemned as abominable, impious, and blasphemous. "

Bob Duncan’s outdoor party—the new Aufkaurung, the new and sunny Day of Anglican Enlightenment fawned over and fanned enthusiastically by the Virtual Windbag of whoopi-di-doo-doo--has been rained upon by Metropolitan Jonah, OCA, as well as the muscular commitments of Orthodoxy and Angl0-Catholicism against Reformation Theology.

For the future, what we expect are emasculated statements with fine-sounding phrases that keep the uninformed in the status of complacent capitulation and gleeful ignorance. Bob’s public scepter is a mild one, but if there is a trace of principled objection, look for ethical and suave construals that will malign and pillory objectors. Keen-edged and persistent protests will be met by razor-edged responses—behind closed doors—they’ll be vilified as ignorant evangelicals (some truth there but the same obtains for the Anglo-Catholics and charismatics), hateful, divisive, Pharisaic or intolerant fear-mongers who prefer caves to medical research and “Anglican unity at all costs.”

"Article VIII—The work of Christ. He is the only Mediator and Advocate for our sins; but the saints, and especially the immaculate Mother of our Lord, as also the holy angels, bring our prayers and petitions before him, and give them greater effect.”

This is an unmistakable animus against the Reformation. It’s a call to a Babylonian Captivity that gives us a “half-Christ” and a pitiable reduction of Nicene Christology. It’s theological regression passed off with the nullifying ambiguities of car salesmen. The “street version” is: “No expostulations by way of the XXXIX Articles.” Talk long enough and the “stupor of conscience” and the “loving spirit of Anglican infatuation” will emerge.

"Article XIIIMan is justified, not by faith alone, but also by works."

We wonder if the ACNA leaders will come out of their biblical and historic catacombs. We wonder if they still stand on their usual soggy terrain of unprincipled compromises that avoid hard choices.

The “so-called evangelicals” have been hamstrung by their pragmatism. They will not do the laborious induction of the particulars, “the stuff between the lines and in fine print.”

Presently and ponderously, we are miffed by the exultant yet sepulchral tones from Sydney speaking of the “safe anchorage” under the lee of international global Anglican acceptance of the ACNA—the safe and noble harbour of GAFCON. These alleged granite conservatives appear to suffer from short term myopia—they are not watching what ship is allowed in the harbour.

Back to the Orthodox Articles. It’s semi-Pelagianism with sophisticated glosses.

"Article XIV—Man has been debilitated by the fall…He still has free will or the power to choose and do good or to flee and hate evil (Matt.5.46,47; Rom.1.19; 2.14,15)."

There’s always some silver in a counterfeit silver dollar. The non-iconclastic intelligentsia seek the middle ground of mediocrity.

"Article XVIII—The souls of the departed are either at rest or in torment, according to their conduct in life…The souls of those who die in a state of penitence, without having brought forth fruits of repentance, or satisfactions, depart into Hades and there they must suffer the punishment for their sins; but they may be delivered by the prayers of the priests and the alms of their kindred, especially the unbloody sacrifice of the mass…”

Although the Orthodox deny it, this is purgatory without the use of the term and it's painted a half-inch thick. The same idea is taught in the Longer Russian Catechism of Philaet, 11th Article on The Nicene Creed.

What we are not seeing in the centres of advertisement is theological inquiry. We see a lunacy governed by expedience rather than biblical exegesis. We see a citadel remarkable for its porous walls for anything but a robust Reformation Anglicanism. We’re not even sure about the scholarship of the principal players; no one reports on it.

Bottomline: Syncretistic opportunism. Naysayers? Feel stressed? The remedy? Reading.

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