Monday, November 23, 2009

Coming in January 2010: Caspar Olevianus-Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed « Heidelblog

Coming in January 2010: Caspar Olevianus-Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed « Heidelblog

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Caspar Olevianus was an co-author of that beloved Heidelberg Catechism, 1563, that would have done England well had it been embraced as a consitutive and catecetical tool alongside the XXXIX Articles. It would be hard for an English Reformed scholar or church leader of the English Reformers to have rejected it. the C o E never got past the XXXIX Articles, a useful but immature expression of the Reformation. The exact opposite obtains today---C o E leaders would have a hard time embracing it, given their theological amnesia and obscurantism.

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