Friday, November 13, 2009

Andrew Gosse on Watchmen, Liberalism and the TRACTO's

One correspondent has offered some insights. We publish his note below. He observes that "Watchmen" let their guard down and the twin dangers of liberalism and AC/TRACTO's, AINO's, have vitiated Reformed Anglicanism worldwide. That compromise and those consequences are evident to this day. This is particularly poignant for this scribe, given the daily readings in Ezekiel over the last three days, notably Ezekiel 33-34.

Andrew Gosse
November 12 at 8:29pm

I believe the liberals and Anglo Catholics/Tractarianism have entered into Anglicanism and its leadership through both well intentioned and lazy watchmen. I believe the liberals and AC/TRACT told the Reformed founders and watchmen everything they needed to hear all the while with their fingers crossed behind their backs biding their time til the got into positions of authority. Remember Tractarianism/Oxford Movement was originally outlawed til someone dropped their guard.

If this were not true or not the case Anglicanism would still be 100% Reformed Evangelical and the state of global Anglicanism and the false unity that has survived to this day is a testimony of that sad fact. I believe there are many saints still within the Anglican world but most are broken, wounded and heartbroken, not for the Anglican Church but for Christ and His sheep.

The Lord says you will know a tree by its fruit, a good tree bears good fruit and a bad tree bears bad fruit. Equally a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.With that I conclude no one can teach the truth of the Gospel of Christ unless they themselves believe it. We must not confuse Christ centered faith in teaching and preaching with Gods word just coming out of someone's mouth. Of course what is said will be true if it is Gods word.

However....The truth of God's word can be spoken but meant in error, that's what Satan did.I do not see any good fruit in standing by a Sheppard who denies the doctrine of Grace, the doctrine of Salvation, the Sovereignty of God and the Sufficiency of Christ.So I ask any minister, pastor, deacon, elder or overseer these questions. If there is a teaching or tradition you would not feed the sheep of your flock the Lord has entrusted to your guard and care for with your very life, why would you stand by and be in communion with someone who is abusing another flock of the Lords sheep by feeding them poison and leading them toward great peril?

Do you think the Lord will not judge your inaction or ambivalence toward their plight? Are you going to say to the Lord "I am innocent, they weren't my sheep". If you neighbour was abusing their children and you knew it would you do nothing? Gods Word is not a half truth its an all or nothing commitment, it is the fragrance of Christ to those who are saved and the stench of death to those who are perishing.

I would encourage anyone in ministry to read what I have just written, pray about, if it makes you uncomfortable, ask yourself why, if you already know why then step out in faith, if it does not make you uncomfortable, disregard it.

May His Blessing and Mercy be upon us.

I very much enjoy your blog and comments on others, may God continue to guide you in His service.

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