Thursday, October 1, 2009

Romanism Creep

Romanism-creep. Error comes by incremental degrees. As Bishop John Charles Ryle (Liverpool) once said (in essence), "Error never has a skull and cross bones on it, a pharmaceutical warning. It comes without the symbol and warning."

This is why the Reverend Doctor James Innes Packer, a revered leader in the Manglican Muddler Church, must be rebuked and disciplined...if by no other means than avoidance.

The Rev. Mr. Bennett, a former Papist priest and teacher of Anti-Christ, now Calvinistic Baptist, always has healthy warnings about Anti-Christ.

As we've noted and as we have learned, the Lutheran Confessions, unlike the Reformed or Anglican Confessions, are exceptional Doctors of Truth regarding Anti-Christ...the Reformed and Confessional Anglicans aren't as explicit, but the Lutheran brethren are, thankfully.

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