Thursday, October 8, 2009

A PERSONAL FOR: Necromany and Lying REC Bishops

Sent tonight to two Reformed Episcopal Bishops. Rarely do we rise to this level of vigour in this forum. Infrequently do we engage news reports, but rather we attempt to post academic articles, good blogspots, etc. However, a concerned Calvinistic Anglican (in an ACNA Church) sent me the URL of an ordination involving "saint invocation." He thought the REC might bring Reformation theology and thought to the ACNA, but this was it. He, like many other REC men, have already bolted. This Churchman and his family are headed to the PCA. This "saint invocation" by no means was tolerated by the English Reformers...Cranmer and all subsequent English, Irish and American Prayer Books pruned this out...until the Tractarians arrived...and the new Manglicans in the US, most of which is led by TEC-trained leaders. This will be a tough read for ACNA readers, we realize. We realize that some Anglo-Romewardizers will vigourously disagree. We normally don't post the full rigours of a Marine-like approach, but lying lips will be put far from me. Hold your noses. This one--from anyone's perspective, agreeing or disagreeing, will be foul smelling. Also, let it be known that these two have been routinely confronted previously and more privately. We make no apologies for going public. Welcome, Leonard, Roy, Ray, and Dan...also David Virtue...if reading this. Listen closely to the youtube URL at the end. I respect self-consistent Anglo-Romewardizers who maintain their consistency and distinct, organizational distance from the ACNA (though disagreeing with them). They are honest with their principles. I CANNOT AND WILL NOT, however, as a Christian trained also in Marine ethics and demands for honesty (absolutely required for military situations..lives depend on truthful reports), abide liars who "Confess" to hold the XXXIX Articles in their natural, intended sense of the Reformational context and subsequent centuries while, turning around, and invoking saints in prayer. At least Mr.Jack Iker of Fort Worth, TX, an ACNA-leader, takes a stand and publicly states he reads the Articles like Newman, Keble and Pusey, e.g. their essential dismissal. He's honest and is without compromise. Wrong, but honest. These two REC Bishops, unlike the wrong but honest Iker, hypocritically say one thing and do another. That is DISHONEST, PERIOD.

From: "D. Philip Veitch"
To: "Leo the Great" , "Roy Grote" (Editorial input, but two REC Bishops)
Bcc: Editorial insert, but to several hundred, including David Virtue, numerous Professors, Seminarians, and other Reformation Churchmen in the Confessional Catholic Church

Messieurs Riches and Grote:

Both you men tolerate LYING LIPS. For the several hundred in the bcc: line (hahaha), feel free to quote, hike this, and put this down for the RECORD. In fact, I hope the bcc-ers will hike this.

I like the bcc-line (hahaha). It's the way of monarchialists like yourselves and the way of all hegemonists.

Invoking saints, are we? The help of the Immaculate Mother Mary, are we? While alleging adherence to the XXXIX Articles? Go sandbag the simple.

You have a tight clique, a close-lipped hegemony, a cadre, with crafty and oleaginous lips, deceivers and abusers of the simple, I UNDERSTAND HEGEMONIES. I learned from the best, the Chief of Chaplains, United States Navy. Years of training. I get it, boys. I understand closed cliques with no accountability with broad powers.

As you did with the Requiem Mass in California with no answers and previous inquiries, we'll get none here. In fact, I want no responses nor fellowship with lying lips---rocks with lips.

Glad to be singing the great Psalms of daily lections (1662 Book of Common Prayer) including the repeated prayers for His Majesty to spare the inspired writer from lying lips, deceitful hearts, full of palaver and smooth lips. King David "got it." So do many of us "who read." What a joy to read 1 Chronicles through Esther this week, involving "bum leaders as kings" (as a reminder) and "godly warriors" like Nehemiah.


Most glad when Psalm 1 was sung at my ordination at Grace Chapel REC, Philadelphia, about men who "place their delight in God's Law." My story is a Job story and God has and is restoring all that was lost. What a joy to sing Psalm 95, 98, and 100 daily, as well as the Psalms about deceiving lips. And, sons, I learned how to have a strength you'll never know.

A little law to discern your lying lips? Hint, hint, Master theologians, the 9th commandment?

Let the wise take leave of you both, as well as your other senior Presbyters. Let Confessional Churchmen, Lutheran, Reformed, and Presbyterians getting this, especially the Professors getting this, hike this far and wide. The tip of deeper iceberg.

Wonderful to be finanicially and--now, happily--ecclesiastically independent...until a Calvinistic Anglican work can be established here. LIARS.

I am fearless and you just crossed a mightily angry, Psalm-singing, Calvinistic, Marine.

The delicate pietists and cowards can't and don't speak this directly. This is not bravado or bravery behind a computer screen...IT WOULD BE MORE SEVERE IN PERSON. I HATE LYING LIPS. Consider these caps as a "stentorian tone" in nature reflecting my lawful contempt for weak, lying men.

This is the most delicate way to put it, you lying leaders. You have erred and strayed from His Majesty's way. Sackcloth and ashes, not ornamental colours, to cover your wickedness.

Let no one bother me about this after publicly posting this. My job is done, you liars.

Earnestly shaking the dust off my feet for now. If more of your fooleries persist--as they will for the double-tongued-- and I catch wind of it, count me as your enemy--also enjoy singing Psalm 44, about what "our fathers" taught us from the past. What you boys tolerate is outside what we were taught by the fathers of decades and centuries past.



D. Philip Veitch

--- On Wed, 10/7/09, Reformation wrote:

First Fransiscan friar received into the Reformed Episcopal Church. Among several things that are problematic in relation to the REC history, the lad prays for the "help of the Immaculate Mother Mary."

So much for any alleged committment to the XXXIX Articles...but then again, we knew that was invoked when needed and discarded when needed. Lying lips.

Dan Morse was a Minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and a former Professor at Reformed Theological Seminary. We'll infer that he is would no longer be accepted by Reformed Churchmen.

--Posted By Reformation to Reformation Anglicanism at 10/07/2009 07:52:00 PM


  1. Philip, I admire you for your courageous stand against those Anglicans who only give false lip service and pay pretentious homage to the Thirty Nine Articles. Countless numbers of our Protestant forebears, needless to mention the Oxford Martyrs, bishops Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley, and Thomas Cranmer were martyred for speaking up against such aberrant and anti-Biblical practices. May their sacrifice never be in vain. Somebody needed to speak up, and I am glad that you did. I hope that many others will follow suit (Jude 3.

    PRAYER (traditional language)

    Keep us, O Lord, constant in faith and zealous in witness, after the examples of thy servants Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley, and Thomas Cranmer; that we may live in thy fear, die in thy favor, and rest in thy peace; for the sake of Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

  2. Thank you Peter. It is with great anguish of heart that these things had to be said. One feels like Job, "Lord, you've made me to taste bitterness..." True, but a good day in MP (1662), Psalm-singing, 45-46,73-74, 95, and 100, 10 chapters from Job, and Ephesians through Colossians has done much to remedy these sorrows. While reading through St. Paul--and will look at this tonight again--about everything St. Paul said has been trampled by these lying lips, as they ramrodded their views down the throats of the godly. I say "Amen" to your prayer. Thank you for the encouragement. I must take my leave of lying lips, like Mr. Riches and Mr. Grote.
