Sunday, October 25, 2009

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's day 43 (Q/A 112)

What hasn't and why couldn't a Confessional Anglican embrace this Catechism below? If Article VI has any regnancy, what is the matter with this statement as a matter of biblical data? Any comments? Anybody done a thorough comparsion of this lovely little catechism with the theology of the English Reformers? Cowardice? Inability? Tradition-worshippers that can't think outside the box? Or, simply, new-agey drifters with no penchant for thinking? Which is it? Thoughts?

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 43
October 25, 2009

43. Lord’s Day

Q. 112. What is required in the ninth commandment?A. That I bear false witness against no man, [a] nor falsify any man’s words; [b] that I be no backbiter, nor slanderer; [c] that I do not judge, nor join in condemning any man rashly, or unheard; [d] but that I avoid all sorts of lies and deceit, as the proper works of the devil, [e] unless I would bring down upon me the heavy wrath of God; [f] likewise, that in judgment and all other dealings I love the truth, speak it uprightly and confess it; [g] also that I defend and promote, as much as I am able, the honor and good character of my neighbour. [h]

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