Monday, August 24, 2009

In Principio ... Deus: Marrow Theology: Our Natural Desire to be Justified by Works

In Principio ... Deus: Marrow Theology: Our Natural Desire to be Justified by Works

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This is a commendable post, In Principio from what appears to be a Reformed perspective and blogsite. Francis Pieper, the Lutheran dogmatician, repeatedly stresses the same outlook--humanity's perpetual desire for self-justification. However, that is a stress and outlook of all the Reformation traditions, including Reformation Anglicanism--or at least two to three generations deep into the Laudian period.

Luther said somewhere (commentary on Galatians?) that we must sing, preach, pray, liturgize, catechetize, repeat, and reassert justification by faith alone. This sola of the Reformation goes to the heart of the issue, trusting in one's own righteousness, merits, value and works.

I heard a serious man tonight tell an 88-year old woman that St. Paul teaches justification by works. He claims the title "Anglican." That is not historic Anglicanism.

With Luther, again, this issue of total depravity and sola fide must be taught, lived, prayed, preached, etc. Even as Christians, justified and in the way, long in the way, as elders in the way, we forget this. The result, if unchecked, is Pharisaicism, e.g. Luke 18.9ff, the Gospel lection for the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity.

Thank God for this reminder from the Reformed blogsite.

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