Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Office Hours with the Rev. Dr. James I. Packer


Office Hours with the Rev. Dr. James I. Packer. It is difficult for this scribbler to get past James' signing of the document, Evangelical-Catholic Together. His subsequent self-defenses of that are aggravating factors to the original signature. Further, we have no documentary evidence that he has ever written or evidently opposed Anglo-Romewardizing in the Church of England.

The interviewer in this video clip would, frankly, do much better by accessing the books we are recommending here. Of note, Packer says nothing of Calvin, Luther or the English Reformers in this.

Others may be more charitably disposed. That's good. But the motto here is: honesty, frankness, directness combined with courtesy, love and humility.

In that vein, Packer has seriously erred.

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