Thursday, June 25, 2009

Virtueonline? Would Archbishop Cranmer be comfortable at the Anglican Church of North America?

Herein, we get Archbishop Thomas Cranmer's view of the Papacy.

And yet, at the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) meeting, 22-25 Jun 2009, an Orthodox Bishop states his desire for union and recognition of the ACNA by his Greek Church upon the grounds of repudiating the "heresies" of the Reformation, specifically, Calvinism. The attendees applauded the Greek Bishop.

We expect little to nothing from David Virtue on this. or his Anglo-Catholic moderators.

1 comment:

  1. I consider David Virtue a friend and a discerning guy. But he's surrounded by fearful fillies in frilly frocks.

    I KNEW it was stupid to again try to post @ VOL. I had done so in 2004 until I was sickened by the paucity of biblical thinking by both the Right and the Left there. I was fooled again -- shame on me!

    It is dangerous that debate and criticism @ VOL comments are only allowed AGAINST Protestants, whether they're liberal or conservative.

    Cranmer and Co. would NOT be welcomed @ VOL. The pro-Roman thought police would see to THAT!

    Hugh McCann
    Independence Day, 2009
