Monday, June 29, 2009

Prayers for the Dead is Repugnant to Scripture--A Vain and Fondly Imagined Thing

Prayer for the Dead.

Prayers for the dead is attached to the Romish doctrine of Purgatory which the Church of England declared repugnant to God’s Word and a “fond thing vainly invented.” It is unscriptural, yet, Bishop Jack Iker of the ACNA and Nashotah House, a sponsor of, practices and teaches these things in contravention of the Protestant and Reformed Church of England.

It is unscriptural. It is contrary to the New Testament, to wit, that believers, at death, are absent from the body and present with the Lord. These prayers were rejected in the 1552 Book of Common Prayer. Prayers for the dead are condemned by the Homilies. Bishops Jewel, Cooper and Ussher condemn such. The usual arguments for the practice are quickly rebutted in this fine article.

The 1928 BCP reintroduces the practice.

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