Evangelicals and Catholics Together--A Movement of Watershed Significance by Iain Murray.
While this document from the Church Society explores the conundrums and collisions of the ECT-movement with numerous heavy-weights involved, to wit, that both Evangelicals and Romanists are ministerial co-labourers and brethren not to be proselytized, there is room for a parallel analysis of the ECT to the recent mish-mash of the Manglicans in the Anglican Church of North America.
These Manglicans have mish-mashed and mangled the Gospel. Bob Duncan, their new Archbishop, has noted that we are not going back to the past, but moving forward with these tensions--or, as we dubbed them, conundrums and collisions.
How can Anglo-Catholics, Charismatics and Calvinistic Anglicans possibly work together?
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